Wolfstar fanfiction! I never have wrote Wolfstar, I only have written Drarry and those have Pansmione too, so I don't know if I can write Wolfstar, but I can always try, so let's find out.
This'll maybe not be good, so I hope you don't...
On the next day, Thursday, in the evening something like 7:45, Marlene is at Remus' wardrobe for some reason.
Remus and Sirius are in the common room sitting on one side of the couch in front of the fireplace Sirius on Remus' lap, on the other side is Peter, James is sitting on an armchair next to the fireplace Regulus on one of the arm holders.
Yk? This:
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Dorcas is sitting on an other armchair on the other side of the fireplace, Mary on one of the arm holders, Alice on other.
Lily is sitting on the floor on one pillow.
"Hey Remus!!" Marlene shouted from the top of the stairs.
"Yeah?!" Remus shouted back.
"You have many sweaters!" Marlene shouted.
"What the-" Remus started. "Siri, get up" he said and didn't even wait Sirius to get up, he lifted Sirius up himself.
Remus walked to the stairs and up to them and the others went after him.
"Do you even have anything else than sweaters?" Marlene asked.
"Of course" Remus responded. "At least jeans if nothing else" he said.
"Hey, wait a minute- there's missing one... or two" he said when he looked better into his wardrobe.
"How well do you know your sweaters?" Alice asked.
"Very well" Remus responded. "Who stole my sweaters?" He asked and looked from Marlene to Dorcas, from Dorcas to Mary, from Mary to Lily, from Lily to Alice, from Alice to Peter, from Peter to James, from James to Regulus, and from Regulus to Sirius.
His gaze went from one to other in the order they were standing.
"I didn't" Alice said.
"Nor did I" Dorcas said.
"I didn't either" Marlene said.
"I have no reason to take them" Peter said.
"Nor do I" Lily said. "Only that they are comfy, but I didn't steal" she added.
"I didn't take anything" Mary said.
Remus looked at James, Regulus and Sirius.
James shook his head and Remus only had the Black brothers left.
"Well, I kind of" Sirius said. "But only one! I have no idea of the other!" He added.
"It's fine, you're my boyfriend" Remus said.
"But where it is?" He asked.
Sirius pointed at his bed.
"When did you have it?" James asked. "I guess I'm blind, because I didn't see it on you" he added.
"Yesterday evening and today morning" Sirius responded.
"But what about the other one?" Remus asked.
"Well, I wanted to try if it is comfy" Regulus said. "And I got the answer; it is" he added.
"Where it is?" Remus asked.
"On your bed, are you blind?" Regulus responded.
Remus turned to look at his bed.
"Oh" Remus said and picked it up.
He put it back in his wardrobe.
"Why you don't steal my clothes?!" James shouted to Regulus and everyone turned to look at him.
He went a bit red, but hid it pretty well.
"Do you want me to then?" Regulus asked.
"No- I- yeah- ahasss... maybe" James said.
"Merlin, Prongs" Remus said. "Just say how it is; 'yes'" he added and ran away before James had time to react.
"YOU FUCKING!!" James shouted after him.
"So you want me to steal your clothes, huh?" Regulus asked teasingly.
"Oh shut up, but maybe" James said and ran after Remus.
"ADMIT YOUR CRUSH!!!" Remus shouted.
"I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH!!" James shouted.
"OH DON'T TALK BULLSHIT" Remus shouted.
"BECAUSE YOU DON'T ADMIT!!" Remus shouted.
"I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO ADMIT!!!" James shouted.
"THEN YOU WILL!!" James shouted.
"Merlin those two" Alice said.
"I'm just wondering how it is now Remus and James, it used to be always James and Sirius" Lily said.
"Good point."
Okay, this is short I know, but this part's subject was that sweater thing, and I don't want much anything else to this so it is short.
I got this sweater idea from one pic from Pinterest. I would put the pic here, but I lost it, I can't find it anymore, so I can't. This perhaps isn't so good I wanted this, but I don't have motivation to try to make it better so it is what it is idc. Bye👋🏻