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Fucking Lucifer fuck him! I really don't care if I just Attack him and shit but fuck him! I just kept walking around and turning corners and The important thing is I can get away to that Fucker! "Big bro were are we going? Wait! let's go and eat food! Im Hungry" I stopped walking and Looked around. Doors,Doors and Doors! 'Oh shit'

"um I think we're lost"

"What?! B-But I'm hungry and I want Burgers!"

"y-yeah um Don't worry we'll find a way! um okay uh"

I looked around and decided to Open some random doors, some are empty and Others are Bedroom. then I walked on the left Hallway and Passed a Huge room. "Woaaaah!! look Big bro! it's like a ball room!" Elizabeth Giggled and Runs around I looked at the paintings and Really what's up with creepy paintings and Strange Words? on the middle of the room is a Couch and a Gramophone, my eyes landed on a Box full of Music Records and I checked it out, theres a one record that looks familiar to me and I Grabbed it. Our grandma once have a Gramophone and play some old music while Knitting And I would just do my assignment or take care to Elizabeth.

I put it on the Gramophone and Played it, Elizabeth is still running around and Checking the ceiling, I took off my glasses and sit down the couch. I sit there and watched my sister roam around and Laugh at the paintings, then a Idea pops out in my mind

huh it's been a long time...oh well fuck it

I stand up and cleared my throat and approached my sister "My dear may I have this dance?" I bow down a little and reach out my hand like a prince , Elizabeth Smiled and Grabbed my hand. I laughed and Carried her. my arms supporting her back I spin her around and she giggled.

oh I remembered, I used to reach my hand and Gentlemanly Ask my Grandmother a dance she would gladly accept it and Both of us would dance in the music. And Now I'm taking this opportunity to dance with my little sister since she never had the chance

both of us laughed and Swooned on the music, Just by dancing with this short little girl Infront of me made me want to protect her more and Love her. I don't know why but Elizabeth is the only one that made me Smile or Crack some Sassy lines. If she ever gets seperated to me I feel like there's a Wave of panic would smack my Chest and I would frankly Look for her. "Big bro Spin me again !" I laughed and spined her again her dress Twisting and dancing with her she giggled and I held her again "I feel like a princess!" she said "well then I'm your prince!" Both of us laughed again and Continued on dancing.

Then a Figure Sneakily looked at the two siblings dancing, the figure is Standing Behind the door and accidentally saw the two.

he smiled and Chuckled and walked away leaving the siblings have their Happy time.


Lucifer have left the garden and Walked pass the hallways and enter the throne room, after that Scene he Did he is sure he needs that Young boy, He called out razzle and Dazzle and order the two to call a friend. the two Immediately obeyed and Poof out. Then his ears perks up when a familiar record plays from the distance he grinned and Chuckled

must be That boy playing the record and my he has a classy taste of music I see~

after a minute of waiting in the throne room the large black doors Opened and a Tall Skinny figure stood "Ah Still a gentleman I see" Lucifer said and The figure walks Infront of the king. "Long time no see Alastor"

The radio demon smiled and laughed,his radio voice Booming "Ahahaha! Your highness Quite a pleasure to meet you again" He said Lucifer nods and Ordered Razzle and Dazzle to call the two Siblings. The two demons Poof out Lucifer Talks with Alastor so that it would never be boring, then he heard some voices.

"Fuck him! I don't want to—Hey fuck off Pepperoni horns This Jacket is my favorite!"

"Oooh They look so cute! I want to cuddle them!"

Razzle is dragging Anthony And Dazzle is Also dragging Elizabeth, Anthony Cursed and tried to push Razzle away but the demon seems find a way to Drag him. on the other Hand Elizabeth keeps Touching Dazzle's Horns and the demon seems uncomfortable. Alastor Seems Suprised to see the two Youngsters and quite Amused watching Anthony Cursing and Elizabeth hugging and touching Dazzle.

Razzle let's go of Anthony when he is Infront of the king and Elizabeth Hugs her Brother's leg. Anthony Looked at Lucifer and glared daggers at him "what do you want? and why Is Alastor here?" he said and looked at the radio demon grinning like A Cheshire cat, lucifer Laughed "boy I won't pull another Stunt and Say this Straightforwardly" Lucifer Paused and looked at Anthony's eyes

"Will you willing to be my reaper?"

A Awkward silence engulfed them and Anthony didn't quite Understand what he said, Lucifer seems To find the Confusion in his eyes and he Explained it to him. "Boy You didn't belong down here and hell and It's quite difficult to find a way to bring you two back in the Mortal world so! why not be my Reaper?"

"okay okay what's this reaper thing? is it something of Gardening and Fucked up job?"

Lucifer Sighs and Took out a Silver necklace that has a schyte Attacked to it "The stunt I pulled up Earlier is just testing how Brave can you face Death, and My I was quite Suprised seeing those Sadistic Smile! boy You are brave and you didn't even Fear death!"

Anthony is Staring at him and put all the cogs inside his brain and Gets what he means "wait you want me. to be your Grim reaper? like Those Scary guys holding a Big weapon and Taking souls?" Lucifer nods.

Alastor is Quite Confused as to why is he called and What are they talking about. Anthony is Looking down and thinking and Elizabeth is Still Hiding Behind her Brother's leg. "well Um uh maybe I—" Before He could say his answer Lucifer Already gave the necklace to him and smiled "Great! That would be wonderful! Now listen Your job is to Collect sinners up the mortal world and Sinners are marked 'X' and send them down here! another job of you boy is to Decrease the population of Hell cause's getting Crowded! Oh and do it in your own way and I don't really care!" Anthony opened his mouth to speak but Lucifer Shuts him up and Looked at Alastor and him.

"Oh and Another thing is This Radio demon here is your Dad"

Anthony Almost Choke in that blunt answer and looked at the radio demon, Alastor is also Shocked "WAIT HUWAAT? HES OUR DAD?! HOWS THAT POSSIBLE!" Anthony Shouts and Clutched the necklace Alastor Laughs nervously " to explain Your Highness?" Lucifer taps his chin and hummed "Let's say that you have Two kids one boy thats just like you and a little girl~ It happens to be that your kids died Early and Of course you are Devastated!"

A Flashing images Plays in Alastor's mind, A Small boy thats just look like him and a little girl thats looks like Elizabeth. both of them tucked in the bed then Alastor saw himself reading them a bedtime story. "That's All I can say now, the rest is you'll have to find out yourself!" then the king left the three.

Anthony glanced at Alastor that's Still Standing. Elizabeth Was also Shock cause she never thought that she has a Father "oh um ahaha my Dear do you want to go back to the hotel?" Alastor Awkwardly said "S-Sure t-thats would be nice.." Anthony said and he doesn't really know what to do cause he just found out that his father is The Radio Demon that died Since 1930 and how come he's their dad?

the three Walked out the castle and Charlie Is waiting outside with the limo she waved her hand and Anthony just smiled at her. Charlie Is Also suprised that Alastor is with them but shrugs it and let the Radio demon Join the ride with them. the ride inside the Limo is Tense Vaggie and Charlie are sitting together and beside Charlie is Alastor, Anthony and Elizabeth sat On other side and tried to Keep the eye contact away from Alastor. Charlie Didn't ask any Questions and just stayed quite

once they arrived Anthony And his Sister Immediately excused themselves and Alastor did the same, Husk And Angel Stared at the two.

"what's up with Anthony and Smiles? the two Dickwads seems tense"

"Who the fuck cares?" Husk Chugs in his Booze

"W-well we don't know" Charlie replied and Sits beside Angel.


The Devils Reaper [HAZBIN HOTEL]Where stories live. Discover now