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not here, I checked the Lobby and those two are not even there.

"those two must be hiding inside the bathrooms? wait that's stupid"

See? I hate being It! I'm too lazy To do this shit and Lastly! I'm Hungry as Fuck! I walked around The lobby and Look under the couch and Under The Bars table but I failed Miserably. I tried to ask Niffty if She saw the two but she said No, I walk back to the hallway and I stopped when I heard A familiar giggle. "Eli? oh that Shortie must be around here somewhere!" I said and Rub my hand like villain and Grin. I ran and started to check every rooms and corners and Her giggles are getting louder, I Stop running and I noticed that the shadows inside the room are a bit...weird... "Oh my Shit those two are cheating." I Mumble and Closed my eyes then I opened them instead of brown my eyes turned into Red. My visions starts to change into Red and Black and then I saw Eli and Alastor Hiding behind the Curtains and Eli is covering her mouth so she won't release another giggle.

"Oi you shit heads you cheated!"

Alastor Came out on the shadows and Eli Pops out, she starts to laugh and Alastor Chuckled "You know my dear I'm so Entertained that you climb up the tree and you fell" I Blushed and Remembered that I climb up the three on the Garden and I slipped my feet and fell on my butt God! that's so Embarrassing! "wait you were watching me?!" the two of them nods and Alastor burst out laughing "my I'm having fun in this game! Especially watching you Dear Anthony looking around like a Lost Puppy! Hahaha!" I sigh and facepalm.

we decided to Take a break and we head inside the lobby. I walked on the bar and sit and watch Husk Clean some Glasses and Arrange some Stuff, then he noticed me "hey kid can I ask a Question?" He said and Grabbed his Booze and Slam it down the table "Depends, spill it" I said Boringly and he Looks around "You remember the day That asshole over there came here and drink his wine?" He said and points to my father I nod, I also remember that Niffty was there and her face is sad.

Niffty came and sat beside me and The two of them looked at me "hey Anthony is it true that You and Elizabeth are Alastor's Kids?" Niffty said and Husk nods, I was about to speak but I shut them again. come to think of it Is he really our father? "w-well The king said he was our dad..." I mumble and Husk Huff as if he didn't believe what the King of hell just said. "Well you are born in I dunno...20th first century while That Fucker over there Is Much older than you"

I Glance at Alastor that's Smiling and telling My Sister some stories back when he was a kid, I frown and looked at Husk " I-I know I heard that he lived up back then since 1920's and he died 1933" I heard it from Vaggie cause, well she fuckin hate the radio demons guts and she would always ramble about him so I would listen to her. I even thought that she has a crush to my dad but I would just shrug it off. "Fuck yeah your right Squirt, that's why I'm so Fucking confused" Husk said and Drink his Booze,Niffty stared at Husk as if she's Implying something to him and Husk tried to Think, then he Snapped his fingers as if he remembered something.

"Oh yeah, kid Do you wanna know atleast some Enny, Bittsy,Tinny Details about Alastor?"

"Go ahead"

Husk grabs my collar and drag me down the table with him Niffty Giggles and Also joins in "okay listen, I don't want that Creepy Asshole hear us so Let's just hide here" Husk whispered to me and I nod to him. Then he shared some juicy stuff about my dad...

" Kid Back then Your father is a Famous Radio Host in Louisiana and I'm working with him and to be honest he's a annoying motherfucker" I chuckled and I agreed to Husk, "Usually he would go home early the other workers seems to just shrug it but not Me."

"that asshole Invites me To his house and When I arrive there I saw two Kids hiding behind the couch and To be honest he does Looked like you and also The little girl looks like Elizabeth."

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