CH 8- Are you not forgetting something

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On one side, a promise was sealed between Liora and Caspian; meanwhile, on the other side, in the Chairman's office room, another deal was unfolding.

The chairman's home office was a replica of his office chamber at Synergy Enterprise. Everything was identical, from the pens to the couch, right down to the precise number of large windows. The only difference was that the windows at Synergy Enterprise looked at the vast jungle of cement and concrete, while the windows of his home office offered the breathtaking and refreshing view of the immaculately maintained lush green garden of Glacier Villa.

Amara stood in the middle of the large room, fidgeting nervously with her hands. The Chairman walked to his chair and then sat in it. Once comfortable, he looked up at Amara. The look in his sharp eyes was softer and sincere. 

He first offered his condolences to Amara. "I am sorry for your loss, Amara," he said gently.

Amara, who stood in front of the Chairman glanced at him and his trusted assistant, standing beside him. "Sir," she began hesitantly, "if I had accepted your offer before... "She paused momentarily. Pushing down the lump formed in her throat, she continued, 

"Do you think... Mark would still be alive?" The corners of her eyes moistened. The Chairman didn't miss the slight tremble of her voice when she took her late husband's name.

With a thoughtful expression, the chairman slowly leaned back in his chair, not breaking eye contact with her. "Let me tell you about a young man's journey, Amara." He began.

"A young entrepreneur missed out on investing in a tech startup years ago. But instead of regretting the missed opportunity, he focused on his next venture and eventually built a successful business in a different industry. His positive outlook and determination to move forward led him to new opportunities and achievements." 

With an intense gaze piercing straight into Amara's, he stressed in his deep voice, "If you missed an opportunity, use it as your motivation to conduct better research for future investments instead of wasting your time in regret." The chairman was inhumanly pragmatic. 

He wasn't wrong. Sometimes, a few situations demand such an approach. Amara understood the chairman's message: "I will carve this lesson forever in my heart!"

Nodding in appreciation, he grinned. "Good. This is what I expect from you."

The chairman then nodded towards Robert, his assistant, and commanded. "Hand over the papers to Amara for her signature."

"Yes, sir." Robert diligently took a brown leather folder out of his bag and gave it to Amara to read.

Amara took her time to read the papers in that folder carefully. She knew the importance of understanding what she was signing, especially when dealing with the chairman. She meticulously checked for any loopholes in the contract, recognising that dealing with the chairman meant dealing with a master of manipulation. 

Amara was aware of the Chairman's nature and was ready to deal with it if it meant Liora's safety. 

Under normal circumstances, Amara would never have considered working with the chairman, given their shared dark past. However, the situation had changed now, leaving her with no choice but to do what she had avoided doing before.

If she hadn't taken this deal, Creep, like Gambino, would have come after her and Liora. She also needed the chairman's support for the plans she had in mind to deal with Tony Gambino.

After reading the contract, Amara lowered her hand, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. "Sir, I... I..." she started, only to be interrupted by the chairman.

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