Ch 5 - The Chairman - Titan of the construction industry.

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"I have been waiting for your call."

That deep voice sent a shiver down Amara's spine. She took a moment to steady her breath before making her final decision to the man who had been waiting for this moment for a year. "Mr. Chairman, I am ready."

She couldn't see the smirk that appeared on his face as he leaned back in his chair. "You should have accepted my offer long ago, Amara."

"Yes, I should have, but if your offer still stands, I would like to accept it. In return, I need two things."

But before Amara could outline her terms, the Chairman interrupted her.

"I will have a word with Gambino, and no harm will come to Liora. Her further education will be taken care of like before. Is there anything else?" The Chairman asked.

Amara was stunned for a moment, wondering how the Chairman knew what she was about to ask for. Did he know about her situation as well? Was he keeping an eye on her from afar? Were his men lurking around her house?

There was silence over the call. Amara began contemplating if she was making the right choice while the chairman waited for her response.

'Is the chairman involved in Mark's death?' A dark, suspicious thought rose within her. But before she could indulge further into that thought, a voice vibrated from the other end again,

"Amara," the Chairman softly spoke her name. "I know everything about my employees; nothing is hidden from me."

'He knows about his employees...' Amara sighed in relief. She could feel peace now; she wasn't the sole subject of the Chairman's watchful eye.

Just a few seconds ago, a flicker of regret crossed her mind about reaching out to him. But now she is ok. She made the right choice... for her, for Liora!

"Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My loyalty belongs to you." Amara was determined to protect Liora at any cost, even if it meant selling her soul to the devil.

She couldn't protect Mark, but if aligning herself with the Chairman could ensure Liora's safety, she was prepared to make that commitment.

"Hmm. Then see you tomorrow, Amara." The Chairman hung up.

Amara took a deep breath now that her biggest worries had been taken care of. Now, all she needed to do was to become one of the trusted allies of the chairman and wait for the right moment to kill Gambino.

She smiled to herself, "Gambino, you will pay for everything." She greeted her teeth with narrowed eyes.

Just like Gambino and Sven ruthlessly cornered a small business owner into bankruptcy and brutally took his life, she would make them pay for their sins.

She smiled through tears, "I'll let you live until Liora doesn't need me anymore. Until then, I'll pray for your safety."


In the towering halls of Synergy Enterprise, a symbol of Avalon City's business might, sat George Glacier (The Chairman), a titan of the construction industry.

Due to his unwavering determination and disciplined lifestyle, at the age of sixty, he possessed a physique that defied time itself.

His neatly combed white hair was swept back elegantly, accompanied by a trim layer of beard and a groomed mustache. His voice is as deep as commanding authority. There was no doubt why he was called a titan of the construction industry.

In his expansive office, George Glacier gazed out at the sprawling skyline of the city, a kingdom of glass and steel, a reflection of his building influence in business.

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