CH - 11 Imprints

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Caspian knocked lightly on the open door of the guest quarters before stepping inside. "Hello, Mrs. Valentine. I hope you like the place!" his voice was smooth as vanilla ice cream.

Amara stood up, a welcoming smile on her face. "Yes, it's wonderful and comfortable," she replied genuinely. Glancing down at Liora, who was still nestled on the couch, she added, "Ora already likes this place."

Liora looked up at her mother 'I wish mother had called out his name', then she turned her gaze to Caspian. There was a curious mix of caution and curiosity in her eyes.

Caspian smiled warmly at Liora "You are right, Mrs. Valentine," his tone was gentle. "This place will be her home forever."

Seeing Caspian's gentle and caring nature, Amara felt hopeful about their chances of making this place their home. Amara was familiar with Caspian's aloof nature. He didn't entertain just anyone, only if they held importance in his eyes. And he has been nothing but welcoming toward them, which she considered a good sign, especially for Liora.

With one lingering gaze at Liora, Caspian turned his attention back to her mother. "Mrs. Valentine, if you do not mind, may I take Ora with me to play?" 

Amara chuckled lightly, a smile spreading across her face. "I guess you are already become good friends."

This was perfect for Amara. After everyone abandoned them, Liora didn't have anyone to play with. But now, with Caspian extending his hand, it felt like a blessing. 

"Of course. Ora, would you like to go?" Looking at Liora, Amara asked.

Liora jumped up from the couch and stood beside Caspian, her excitement unmistakable. She could hardly contain her enthusiasm at the thought of going into the secret room again. 

Caspian held her hand firmly but gently. "Thank you, Mrs. Valentine. Don't worry about Liora. I will take care of her. I'll bring her back by dinner time."  Caspian ensured that their time together would be uninterrupted until dinner.

Caspian led Liora out of the guest house, and Amara watched them leave, feeling relief and happiness. Caspian had a way of putting her at ease; he made a good impression, and now she trusted him with her daughter.

Liora's eyes sparkled with excitement as they ventured into the estate. Her little hand gripped Caspian's tightly. 

He glanced down at her; it thrilled him to see Liora's excitement to spend time with him. His smile widened into something a touch more sinister, though his voice remained as smooth as ever.

"Just like this, Ora," he murmured. "Stay like a good doll, and everything will be perfect."

'Is he calling me a doll again? He did give me his doll room though. I guess it should be fine.' Liora was lost in her anticipation and missed the underlying darkness in his words. She nodded eagerly, trusting him, as Caspian's grip around her hand tightened ever so slightly.

"Can I ask you something?" Liora asked.


Liora paused and made Caspian hold his steps. "Promise me you won't be angry." Liora hesitated, her eyes searching Caspian's face.

"Do you often take promises from people, Ora?" Cocking his left brow, he asked, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"No, not really," Liora mumbled in a low voice, contemplating her actions.

"Then do you believe in people's promises?" Caspian pressed further.

"Yes, I do," said Liora, nodding earnestly.

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