CH 13 - Merciless Days

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Liora could feel their eyes on her. Their laughter was ringing in her ears as she made her way to her classroom. She found her seat, she adjusted her glasses, took a deep breath, and focused on the lessons ahead. During the whole lesson time in the classroom, Liora felt someone watching her, but she could not dare to look for the person.

Soon, it was Lunch break, and the cafeteria was a hive of activity during lunchtime. But the atmosphere was far from friendly or welcoming. A long line of students wearing thick, black-framed glasses formed near the food counter. Each student clutched a tray, waiting their turn to receive their meal.

At the tables, the students from rich and influential families sat comfortably, chatting and laughing as they waited. Their tables were empty, not because they hadn't eaten, but because they never had to fetch their own food. This task fell to the students in glasses.

Liora stood in line. Her tray was balanced in her hands. She glanced nervously at the tables where the privileged students lounged. As her turn came, she quickly filled her tray with the standard cafeteria fare.

One by one, the students with glasses approached the tables of the rich kids, delivering their meals. The privileged students barely acknowledged their presence, treating them as invisible servants.

Liora delivered a tray to Silvia, the queen of Elite School, who didn't even look up from her phone. "About time," the girl muttered.

Liora swallowed her frustration and returned to the line while her stomach growled, but she knew she couldn't eat until her service was deemed complete.

"Hey, you! Bring me a soda," another girl called out, pointing at Liora. She sighed inwardly but nodded, heading back to the counter to fetch the drink. This was the routine, the endless cycle of servitude that defined their days. Liora handed the soda to the girl, who took it without a word of thanks.

Ragging was a part of the school's culture, starting from the fifth class, and continuing until the twelfth standard. Younger students learned quickly to submit. Their spirits were often broken before they had a chance to resist.

Once lunchtime was over, the students were granted a half-hour break before the next class began. Liora secluded herself in a corner of the school premises, a place where she could hide. This hidden spot was her sanctuary, away from the constant harassment.

She sat on the old rusted chair and reached into her pocket to pull out the phone that Caspian had given her. The glittering decoration sparkled in the sun's rays. She flipped it open and stared at the empty inbox. Her heart sank a little further. There was no message from Caspian. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of laughter and commotion. She peeked cautiously around the corner of the wall. What she saw made her blood run cold.

A group of boys had formed a tight circle. Their shouts and taunts filled the air. In the middle, two boys were fighting in their upper bare bodies, swinging their fists as they struggled with each other. It was easy to tell them apart. One boy had neat hair and a strong physique, while the other had a short haircut and a lean body. The spectators, all from elite families, were betting on who would win, clearly excited.

Liora's breath caught in her throat. She recognised one of the boys in the fight. It was another student from her class.

The boy with a good physique had a smile on his face while hitting the other one. The other boy was mostly defending himself rather than attacking.

"Get him! Knock him down!" one of the privileged boys shouted, his face alight with cruel amusement.

"Twenty bucks says he goes down in the next 2 minutes," another sneered, waving a bill in the air.

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