How You Meet

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DeadPool / Wade Wilson:

You were part of Team X and you meet Wade on your first day (Along with the other members) Within 5 minutes of knowing him he had already pissed everyone off by just being his normal self, Logan had him pinned up against a wall after he said something out of line while you and John tried to break it up and lets just say there was a lot of yelling from everyone until Stryker turned up. Later that day you had to sit next to him on the plane and he just wouldn't shut his mouth and from then on you called him the 'Merc with a mouth'.

Cyclops / Scott Summers:

You were a high level mutant and didn't have full control of your powers, your family kicked you out as soon as they found out you were different. You were walking down a quiet street when suddenly a hand grabbed you and snatched you bag, you 'accidentally' zapped the guy with your powers and retrieved your bag as you turned you saw two guys looking at you, one in a wheelchair and the other with red sunglasses. "Very impressive (Y/N)" a voice said but it was in your head.... "I'm Charles Xavier and this is Scott Summers" the older man said out loud this time "We're here to help you" he continued.

Wolverine / Logan:

You were a teacher at the Xavier Institute and when Logan and Rouge turned up it was a big fuss around the school. You were called into the Professor's office and when you opened the door you were presented with the two new additions to the school. "Ah (Y/N) this is Logan and Rouge, I was hoping you could show them to their rooms" The Professor asked. "Of course" You said sweetly. You showed Rouge to her room and then started walking Logan to his, you made small talk on the way but nothing serious. "Here we are" You say. "Er, Thanks (Y/N) I'll see ya 'round I guess" Logan said as he disappeared into his room.

Gambit / Remy LeBeau:

You had just broken up with your boyfriend of almost a year after you found out he was cheating on you with multiple other women, so you were not in the best of moods. You entered a small bar and ordered your favourite drink, you went and sat down at a small empty table. After about 10 minutes of sitting on your own some drunk idiot sat down next to you. "He- Hey Babe" He said, or at least tried to say while putting his arm around you. You stood up to walk away from him but he grabbed your arm. "Hey cmon doll face" He said as he pulled you towards him. You were in no mood for this and you straight up punched him in the face. "One hell of'a hit ya got there Chère" A smooth voice said behind you. "Thanks" You say proudly. "Here let Remy buy you a drink" The man, you guessed was Remy, said.

Iron Man / Tony Stark:

It was your little cousins birthday and he wanted nothing more than to see Iron Man, Lucky for you he was doing some kind of meet up type thing, you weren't 100% sure what any of it meant but you had said you would take your cousin. You arrived early and there was already a countless amount of people  standing around waiting. All of a sudden you hear screaming and people yelling the name 'Tony' you knew enough about Iron Man to know that  that was his name when he wasn't flying around saving the world. You cousin got excited and you turned around only to be faced with the millionaire himself. He shock your cousins hand and said hello, as he was about to walk away he turned around and handed you a piece of paper.

Captain America / Steve Rogers:

Times were hard for you and you would take any job going, currently you had a night job cleaning a training gym, the place was old and consisted mainly of boxing gear with the odd piece of other equipment. The place was empty and the punching bags were still hung up, seeing as you had already cleaned up you thought you might take a moment to let out some anger on one of the brown bags. You started hitting the bag as hard as you could and didn't realise someone walk into the room until they tapped you on the shoulder. You quickly turned around in shock only then to be hit in the back by the swinging bag. You fell right into the strong arms of the man who scared you half to death. You both had tomato red faces due to embarrassment. "Sorry" You both say at the same time. "I'm (Y/N) You say. "Steve" He responds.  

The Winter Solider / Bucky Barnes: 

You were great friends with Steve and the other Avengers so when Bucky came back into Steve's life you were right there with him. The first time you actually met Bucky was when he was trying to kill you, Steve and Natasha but you met the real Bucky when Steve introduced you over coffee, of course he wouldn't stop apologising for almost killing you, but you insisted it was fine and you both got along great, which Steve was very happy about. 

Loki Laufeyson:

You worked at S.H.E.I.L.D. as Fury's assistant and when Loki escaped all hell broke lose. You were walking home from a long days work, you did hate your job sometimes, you had to run around a lot however you did know a lot of secrets, which was unfortunate for what happened next. A bright gold light blinded you and you felt a strong arm grip onto you. When you opened your eyes you were no longer on the street but in a messy, rather dark room and a tall figure stood before you. "Hello my dear" the man said, you knew this voice... It was Loki. "Wh- What do you want from me" You ask while trying not to show how scared you are. "No need to be scared my dear I just need to ask you a few questions".

Spider-Man / Peter Parker:

You had been neighbours with the Parker's your whole life so when Peter moved in with his Aunt and Uncle next door of course you became friends. You would be in and out of each others houses everyday, which of course annoyed your parents and Peters Aunt and Uncle. You would normally have breakfast at your house then stay over at Peters until dinner, needles to say you were the best of friends. 

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