Captain America Imagine

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Request From QuoteV
Written By: ManiacWithAPen (A/N: Please check out their book of MARVEL imagines! Huge thanks for the help!)
Edited By: Kar
Warnings: Light Swearing

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Plot: Tony makes some rude comments to the reader after a mission doesn't go too well, Steve is then left to pick up the pieces

You were out on a mission with the rest of the Avengers, allegedly there was a HYDRA base on the outskirts of the small town you were currently in. Nothing you hadn't handled before. "Is everyone in position?" Steve asked through the comms. There was a series of 'yeah' which meant it was time for Tony to go in.
This was far from a stealth mission, you wanted everyone in this base to know you were here. Although Clint, and Natasha were posted in somewhat concealed place if anything went wrong. You and Steve were a little bit behind Tony, just to get anyone he didn't. Through all the mayhem you were nicked by a knife on the back of the leg, along with the other odd injury. When it was time to retreat you were noticeably slower then the others.
"Why so slow, did you put on a few pounds there?" Tony taunted from the sky. Scowling to yourself you ignored him. Although in the back of your head you reprimanded yourself, because a small cut to the leg shouldn't be slowing you down this much.
When you were all back on the helicarrier you quickly brushed passed everyone trying to hide yourself away from them. You could hear Tony make another rude comment about your weight, but this time, Steve told him to shut up. He may have not used those words exactly, but you could easily convey what the message was.
When you made it back to whatever SHIELD base you were flying to, you quickly made your way out of the helicarrier. Glaring at Tony as you passed by him. He just snickered at you as a reply, like he knew something you didn't. He was probably telling everyone on the team some stupid shit, that probably wasn't true.
You, and everyone else went to the parking lot to head back to Stark Tower. You were rather happy that you decided to take your own car. Which meant you didn't have to deal with Tony, or anyone else for that matter. Instead of heading back to the tower like everyone else you took a left turn, and drove to your apartment. Walking into the tiny, yet comfortable apartment you through all of your stuff onto the couch. Which included your jacket, a mask you wore on missions to keep the dust out of your face, and whatever weapon you were carrying on you.
Tiredly you trudged into the kitchen fumbling to open the cabinet under l the sink. You keep a somewhat extensive medical kit under the sink so you could fix yourself up at home if you didn't want to have someone else do it, after all, your medical bill would probably be pretty high if you went to the hospital after every mission. Gently you lowered yourself onto the floor. Rolling up the pant leg you examined the wound. Nothing to deep, you don't need stitches. If anything the cut should be healed enough in a week and a half tops.
You were about to get some water to clean the blood, until you heard the clicking of a door opening. Heavy footsteps, and the timing between each step indicated it was a man. You shifted your body to get a better view on who was in your apartment. A sigh of relief escaped you when you saw it was only Steve. Turning back around you focused back on your leg. Slowly you soaked it in water, getting all of the dirt, and blood off of your leg. Reaching up you grabbed a wash cloth from off the countertops. Gently you applied pressure to the cut, stopping the bleeding. Rubbing a light layer of antibiotics onto the cut to prevent infection. You lightly applied non fluffy medical dressing, and an adhesive so the dressing would stay in place.
"Why didn't tell anyone you were hurt?" Looking up you saw Steve staring down at you apprehensively.
"It wasn't that bad, I could treat it myself." You said only half paying attention to him.
"Someone at SHIELD could've fixed you up." He said kneeling down next to you.
"I could treat it myself." You repeated again, only this time a little more sternly. Steve sighed at your stubborn nature. He stood up, then helped you to your feet like the gentleman he was.
"I have a feeling this wasn't just about that cut is it." Steve mummbled, he was barley audible. He said it like a statement, as if he wasn't prying for an answer. You would bet money that he already deduced why you had left in such a rush, and know he was just trying to get you to admit it to him in a situation you felt comfortable. Even if you didn't answer him he'd know what the reason was and if you didn't want to talk about it then he'd be fine with it as he knew you weren't the most talkative person, especially when it came to emotionally situations.
"Tony can be a real asshole sometimes." That was all the confirmation Steve need to know that Tony's words dug deeper then you had let on.
"C'mere" Steve murmured as he pulled you into a hug. A hug that you oh so desperately need without realizing it. You buried your head into the crook of Steve's neck, as silent tear fell from you face.
This wasn't the first time Tony had made a degrading comment towards you, and it most currently wouldn't be the last. You could handle his snide remarks at first, brushing them off easily. Overtime it really began to chip away at your confidence. You started to doubt your ability in the field, and as a person.
Steve held you close, rocking you back, and forth in a soothing manner. Slowly the tears stopped, but Steve didn't let go. Pulling back slightly so you were facing each other. He looked you in the eyes then leaned forward slightly, and kissed you on the forehead.
"Don't ever doubt yourself, and if you do... Come to me I'll always help you. And don't worry about Tony anymore, i'll deal with it"

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