Caught Kissing

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Written By: Leah-Holly + MihoMarishka + Kar

See the request page if you would like to make a request!

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Deadpool / Wade Wilson:
Wade didn't care at all if you got caught, he found the look on people's face hilarious when they would walk into a room to find you guys kissing. If someone were to walk in Wade would just make a sarcastic comment and just carry on kissing you like nothing had ever happened and leave the person to walk out. Everyone in Team X got so annoyed walking into rooms to the pair of you.

Victor Creed / Sabretooth:
Victor got embarrassed if anyone caught you kissing, he would never admit his embarrassment but the fact that he wouldn't kiss you infront of the other guys said enough. You two had been caught by Logan a couple times and Victor tried to keep up the whole 'I'm a tough man' act but you knew he loved kissing you even if he wouldn't do it too often.

Cyclops / Scott Summers:
You and Scott never really got caught kissing in any kind of inappropriate situation, you both were very professional so when you were working there wouldn't be any PDA unless it was a kiss on the check when you were leaving his classroom to go to your own when lessons were starting.

Wolverine / Logan:
You and Logan weren't really a PDA couple so you had never actually been caught. To be honest you think one of the reasons Logan doesn't do the whole PDA thing is that he has a fear of getting caught.

Gambit / Remy LeBeau:
Remy didn't really care if you got caught. The pair of you would often spend nights at poker bars and half the time you'd be sat on Remy's lap, which of course he took advantage of as he would constantly kiss you in front of the other players. A lot of the players would look at you in a suggestive way so kissing you in front of them was kinda like Remy's way of saying back off, so he didn't really care who caught you kissing as it sent a message that you were his.

Colossus / Piotr:
Your best friend Kitty had caught you and Piotr kissing in your room once. You wouldn't know anything about this if she hadn't told you later that she walked in on the two of you and you were really surprised, as you hadn't noticed anybody opening the door and closing it again. You had obviously been too distracted with kissing your boyfriend and shut out everything around you.

Beast / Hank McCoy:
You and Hank had been working late in the lab again and when you finally stopped working everyone was already asleep. It was past midnight, but the two of you were starving, so you went to the kitchen to see if there was anything left over for you to eat. While cooking you spontaneously gave Hank a kiss on the cheek, which he returned with engaging you in a passionate kiss that lasted until you heard a subtle cough. You turned around to see Raven standing in the doorway, grinning at the two of you, who had already blushed in embarrassment.

Nightcrawler / Kurt:
The two of you wouldn't get caught, because you were too shy and self-conscious to do PDA. You only kissed when there was really no one else around or in your room with the door closed.

John Allerdyce / Pyro
John got a bit drunk at a Christmas party at the manor once, so he dragged you into an unoccupied bedroom and started to make out with you. Then a slightly drunk Bobby and Rouge walked in on you two making out and just stood their awkwardly until John noticed them. Rouge was giving you a suggestive look like Bobby was doing to John, who just forced them out of the room while you were madly blushing.

*X-Men* Quicksilver / Peter Maximoff:
The two of you were in Peter's room cuddling and kissing when suddenly his little sister entered – unannounced - and surprised you. Of course she thought it was so disgusting seeing the two of you kissing and when Peter's mother returned home the first thing his sister told her was what she had seen Peter and his girlfriend doing. You felt a little embarrassed, mostly because of his mother and that this was how you met her for the first time, but she was really nice and just a little disappointed that Peter hadn't told her anything about you yet.

Rocket Raccoon:
You and Rocket weren't overly fond of being caught but it wasn't that big of a deal to either of you if you were, however everyone else on the ship hated it, Peter was so over dramatic if he caught you and would constantly make stupid comments like 'i'm scared for life' or 'i can never unsee this!'.

Iron Man / Tony Stark:
Tony didn't care at all if anyone saw you kissing, if it was the other Avengers or some paparazzi that were following the two of you when you were going out. It wasn't a secret that he loved you and he wouldn't keep his feelings for you hidden, just because someone could see you or take a picture.

Captain America / Steve Rogers:
It was just after a successful mission and Steve was so relieved that everything had gone well, so he kissed you passionately, thinking that all the others were way too busy to notice the two of you. It didn't take long though and you heard silent snickering around you and noticed how your friends were smiling at you. Steve was blushing, but you just took his hand and looked for a more private place where you continued kissing him.

The Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes:
Steve had caught Bucky and you kissing once. The two of you had completely forgotten your surroundings and didn't notice him right away, so for the rest of the week, every time Steve saw you he grinned or raised an eyebrow, reminding you of this embarrassing moment and why you didn't like PDA.

Loki Laufeyson:
You and Loki had been caught a couple times by the servants but it didn't really phase him, however when Thor walked in on the pair of you he pushed you away slightly and tried to play it off like nothing was happening, heck he acted as if he didn't know you which only made the situation worse as, of course, Thor knew you two were dating and just walked out laughing at how nervous and awkward Loki was.

Spider-Man / Peter Parker:
You and Peter didn't care if anyone saw you kissing, but if Peter felt someone was staring for too long he just asked sarcastically if there was something wrong and if this person has never seen a man kissing his girlfriend before.

Hulk / Bruce Banner:
Tony once entered the lab unannounced and found you and Bruce kissing. When you noticed he was there, you were so shocked and embarrassed that you yelled at him angrily and told him to leave immediately, which Tony did, of course not without making a comment first about what he had just seen.

Hawkeye / Clint Barton:
Clint wasn't too bothered if someone saw you kissing however you on the other hand weren't too fond of it, you thought the whole thing was kinda odd, i mean you shouldn't have all eyes on you when you go to kiss your boyfriend. Especially as Clint worked with SHIELD people would normally stare in shock that he had actually got a girlfriend.

Thor Odinson:
Whenever the two of you were in Asgard, Thor was very reluctant of kissing you in public, even though everyone knew that the two of you were together, but he just didn't want to be caught by his father because he felt it would be embarrassing. You thought it was really funny that such a strong and especially a grown-up man, was 'scared' that his father would see his son kiss his girlfriend. You didn't care at all who saw you or not.

*Avengers* Quicksilver / Pietro Maximoff:
You'd never been caught kissing, surprisingly having a boyfriend that could disappear into another room within a second had plenty of uses, if anyone were to walk into a room while you were kissing then Pietro would just speed off with you into another room and that person would have no idea you were ever there, however seeing as you lived in the Stark tower the pair of you weren't fast enough for the cameras...

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