Remy (Gambit) Imagine

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Request From @AndreeaPisces

I know this doesn't get romantic so I might do a part two if anyone would like? Just comment below if you would like me to carry it on! :)

Plot: You have been hired by a casino to spy on some guy who keeps winning a bunch of cards games, apparently the casino is losing a lot of money and the 'situation' needed to be taken care of.

You sat at the bar a few tables away from your target. You had been recommended to this casino by one of your past clients, apparently you did a great job of making your last target 'disappear'. You didn't mind that people were talking about your work it just meant more business for you and that lead to more money. You didn't have to worry about someone coming after you, for starters you used a secret identity and secondly you had never had an unsuccessful mission so there wasn't really anyone out there who would want to come after you.

You looked over to where the tall, brown haired man sat and studied his actions. You had been given very little information about this man, you knew his name was 'Gambit' and that he had been winning a lot of money at this casino, the casino had gotten pissed off after they had lost 'a lot' of money, whatever that means, whatever they had lost must have been a lot for them the hire you. Your orders were to to the money back and make sure the guy didn't come back by any means necessary. Simple. This was a very basic mission that you got hired to do all the time, seeing as you lived in city that was big on gambling there were lots of people who thought they could cheat the system in someway but they never got away with it.

About an hour passed and you could tell why the casino wanted this guy gone, he had won every game so far.

After his current game the man got up to leave. You followed him at a safe distance for about 10 minutes, you stuck to the shadows to make sure he didn't see you, thankfully a lot of lights didn't work in this part of the city so it was easy to stay hidden. The tall figure turned a corner where the old library still stood tall, no one really used it anymore but you were a regular user, your father took you there as a child and that's where you found your love of books. You were busy with your thoughts until you turned the corner to be presented with an empty street. How the hell did you lose him? He was right there!

You let out a sigh, this was going to set you back at least a day, you'd have to wait until tomorrow night to hopefully see your target again, at that was if he went, it could take days for him to return.

"Looking for me" A smooth voice said from above you. You looked up to see your target perched on one of the library's window ledges like a hawk. You could see him a lot clearer now, relatively long brown hair, well at least compared to other men, it stopped just before his shoulders. He had rather odd red eyes but you had seen weirder things in your lifetime. He wore a long brown jacket that was buttoned up.

"What can I do you for Cher?" He asked once again in that smooth accent. You couldn't put your finger on it, what was it? You had never heard anything like it but it fascinated you. "Well?" He asked again, apparently your silence wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"Well Mr. Gambit, the thing is you've made some pretty rich people very unhappy and i've been dealt the task of fixing said unhappiness" You informed the man.

He gave out a slight chuckle before replying. "Well I thought they would send someone after ol' Gambit but not a cute lil thing like you cher" What was him and calling you 'Cher', it sounded pretty darn cute with that accent but still it was odd. "Well, it was nice meeting such a beauty as yourself but I must bid you farewell my lil lady" He said. Now where did he think he was going, there was no way you were missing a paycheck because your target thought he could flirt his way out of you kicking his ass.

Before he could disappear again you threw one of your weapons in his direction. It missed him but sent him tumbling backwards and he smashed through the window and fell into the library. You jumped in after him determined not to lose him again and have to find him at another point, there was no way he would go back to the casino knowing you were after him so it was best to finish this now. You knew this library like the back of your hand so you swiftly moved through the endless bookcases on the hunt for your target.

You heard a thud from your left and quickly, yet quietly, ran towards the area doubting it would be anyone else than the man on the run. You reached the source of the noise and could make out the tall figure. You threw one of your knifes at the man but he quickly blocked it and threw something back yourway. Thanks to you mutant fast reflexes you caught the.. card? Why on earth wou-

Your thoughts were interrupted by the card in your hand blowing up and sending you flying across the room, pages of books that had been hit with the same explosion filling the room. You tried your best to keep your eyes open but you hit your head really hard.

The last thing you remembered before passing out was Gambit standing above you.

"Now, now Cher, you get some rest and i'm just going to skip town, maybe one day our paths will cross again" He said with a smile.

You woke up the next morning to police sirens, the librarian probably found the mess. You stood up to leave and as you did a card fell off you. The Queen of Hearts.

Gambit you thought to yourself with a small smile appearing on your face. The one who got away.   

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