Avengers: You're Pregnant

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Requested By: QuoteV User
Written By: Ivyclimb + Kar + MihoMarishka
See Request Page For More Information About Request Details
We Won't Be Doing Pregnancy Themed Preferences Too Much, This Was Done As A Special Request!

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Iron Man / Tony Stark:
When you started to feel unwell in the morning and developed a weird craving for disgusting food, (pick whatever you think is really disgusting^^) you knew that you were pregnant. The fist thought running through your head, aside from feeling excited, was how you should tell Tony those life changing news. It wasn't that you feared he wouldn't be happy, but Tony could behave like a kid himself sometimes and you weren't sure if he would be aware of all the responsibilities that having and raising a child included.
Still, even with this doubt, you decided to tell him immediately. Like most of the time, when not on a mission with the Avengers, Tony was found in the basement working on his suit. He didn't even notice you until you stood next to him and smiled sheepishly. "There's something you should know" You announced. Tony studied your expression as you didn't continue. "We're having a baby!" He leapt up from his crouching position, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find the words. "Then we'll have to make this place baby proof!" He suddenly exclaimed. He started running towards the stairs but then turned around and embraced you. "We're going to be great parents." He whispered in your ear.

Captain America / Steve Rogers:
You were overly excited when you noticed that you were pregnant. Steve and you were madly in love and starting a little family would bring you even closer together. Of course you were aware of the responsibilities and the both of you would have to back down. After all, this was something life-changing. Still, you couldn't wait to tell Steve the news and were waiting nervously for his return from the recent mission. The thought of him being on missions so often scared you a bit, you'd be left alone with the child for long periods of time, but the thought vanished when Steve stood at the open front door and hugged you tightly. As he let go of you, you cleared your throat and looked at him seriously, trying to hold back a smile. "I think we have to take it a little slower with the training during the next few months", you told him. Steve studied your facial expression, being a little confused about this statement. "Because I'm pregnant!" You explained. Steve only looked shocked for a second, then he hugged you again – a little more cautiously – and kissed you happily.

The Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes:
Finding out you were pregnant was big news. You loved Bucky with all your heart and the two of you were deeply in love, but you just weren't sure how he would take hearing the words. He still had his days were he needed constant reassurance that he wasn't a monster, and that of course you loved him.
You were pacing at home wondering how to break the news when Bucky came in the front door. He saw you pacing and walked over to embrace you in a hug, immediately wondering what was wrong.
"I'm pregnant," you flat outright told him, gazing up into his eyes as to see how he would take the news. Not even a moment passed before the biggest smile you had ever seen spread across his face, and he lifted you off the ground. "This is fantastic!" He screamed over and over again, spinning you around gently. When he was calm enough, he placed a gentle kiss to your lips.

Loki Laufeyson:
You had been with Loki for a couple years now and you knew he had always wanted children so when you found out you were pregnant you were so excited to tell him. You were living on Asgard at the time which made it difficult to find Loki as he knew this place like the back of his hand and you had only been here a short time.
You were speed walking around the endless corridors looking for your boyfriend for about ten minutes until you ran into Thor. He told you Loki was talking with their mother in the gardens so you made your way there.
When you entered the gardens you found Loki sat by the fountain by himself, you ran over with a big smile on your face. Before he could ask you what was going on you blurted out 'I'm pregnant'. He looked you blankly for a second as he tried to figure out what you had just said, his state of shock quickly turned into happiness as he picked you up and kissed you.

Hulk / Bruce Banner:
Bruce and you were working intensely in the lab, sometimes until late into the night. You didn't mind, since you were doing this together with Bruce, tough something about him annoyed you in the last few days. Everything he did seemed completely wrong to you and he was so slow! Something was off about him that was for sure. "Bruce?! Did you change the order on my desk? I can't seem to find anything! Where are the plans for this new S.H.I.E.L.D. project?" you yelled and stared at him angrily. He just shrugged, looked around your desk and pointed to a stack of paper. "There...", he said then walked closer to you and studied your expression. "Are you alright? You seem so...off these days." "Me?! It's you who's suddenly so slow and careless!" you retorted and searched through the papers, so you didn't have to look at him. "Whoa...okay...sorry! It's just...you are acting a lot like me...or better the green guy...", he replied in a calm voice, but this made you even more furious. "What?! Are you saying that I am...?" Suddenly the realization hit you and it became clear what was different. You took Bruce's hand and started jumping up and down. "Bruce! I'm pregnant!" you squealed excitedly. That's why you had been so moody these days. Bruce's eyes widened in shock at the realization, then a smile appeared on his face and he kissed you excitedly.

Hawkeye / Clint Barton:
When you first found out that you were pregnant, you were ecstatic, to say the least. You had always wanted children, and you knew that Clint would be just as happy. The only difficult decision you had to make about this was how you would tell him. You weren't so worried about his missions at S.H.I.E.L.D. because you thought he'd be fine with taking a while off for the sake of the baby. After a bit of debating, you decided to make him a meal consisting of all 'baby' foods. You made baby-back ribs with a side of baby corn, baby carrots, and baby potatoes.
You smiled as he sat down at the table in front of you, and watched intently as he ate. After a while he looked curiously at you, and asked what the matter was. "What are you eating?" You asked him with a giggle. "Baby-back ribs..." he answered, slightly afraid. You nodded your head. "And?" He looked at his plate. "Baby carrots, baby potatoes...baby corn." He looked up at you, mouth hanging wide open. "Are you serious?" He asked you. You nodded and he shot up from his seat, running over to engulf you in a soft yet warm embrace.

Thor Odinson:
You and Thor hadn't planned on being pregnant, but it was still a nice surprise. He was (luckily) on Earth when you found out, and you ran straight to him as to explain the news. You bumped into him in a hallway of the Stark Tower, gripping his arm excitedly. "Thor, you'll never guess the good news!" You told him happily, causing him to smile. "Y/N? What is it?" He eagerly wanted to know. "I'm pregnant!" You told him, bouncing up and down happily. "You're going to be a father!" He grinned down at you, swooping in for a kiss. "This is most wonderful news, Y/N!" He said to you, taking your hand and leading you away so you could tell the rest of the avengers. 

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