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It was a dark and stormy night

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It was a dark and stormy night. The sky was filled with thick, billowing clouds that blocked out the moon and the stars, casting an eerie darkness over the City. The wind howled and whipped through the trees, and the rain poured down the sheets of the old abandoned house in which two boys and a slightly elderly woman were , creating an unrelenting cacophony of sound.

"Was it really necessary to do this tonight? The weather is so cold, and I am freezing to death", the older boy shouted.

Releasing a sigh, the younger boy raised his voice a bit higher because the rain had become a lot heavier. "Yes, Jimin, the psychic woman told me that this can only be done on a blood moon, or unless you'll be willing to wait 3 more months to go to the past. It's now or never".

"No more talking. Close your eyes and chant the spell 'Adila kia akia shurapoe' four times after forming a circle." The psychic shushed the two boys.

"Wait! Before we start this, are you really sure that this real? Because, Taehyung, it won't be funny if this turns out to be a scam. We paid a lot of money for this." Jimin asked, facing the two people in the room.

"Chill, bro. Don't worry she's my neighbor's cousin's friend younger sister's best friend's aunt, so she's basically family, and I trust her. So, stand quietly and do as she says." Taehyung reassured his friend.

"I feel so much better." Jimin muttered under his breath.

Standing in a circle, the woman reminded them to keep their mouth shut and not say a single word until they get there.

"But how do we get back?" Jimin interrupted again.

"Bro, you are getting really annoying." Taehyung said, slapping Jimin's head from behind.

"So, I am annoying because I want to know how to get back home? and also don't forget I am older than you." Jimin rubbed the back of his head.

"Yes, by two months." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Drawing some symbols on the floor, the woman responded, "in 3 months time on the next blood moon, repeat the same spell with the same steps, and you will be brought back to this exact building. But remember, if you fail to make it back on the next red moon, you will be stuck in the past forever. Any other questions that are bugging you, ask Taehyung; I have already told him everything. So just close your eyes and repeat the spell."

Closing their eyes, they chanted the spell. A white portal formed underneath them, and as they felt themselves entering a body of water, with the sounds of a clock ticking loudly.

~Everything will be okay this time around.

~Everything will be okay this time around

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