My mom asked me out?

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After lunch, I was on my way to my locker to collect my notes for my favorite class, Math, when I saw Jin acting a little weird, just leaving my locker side

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After lunch, I was on my way to my locker to collect my notes for my favorite class, Math, when I saw Jin acting a little weird, just leaving my locker side.

That was weird, considering that his locker was at the far end of the hallway.

Not thinking much of it, I opened my locker to get my books and saw a pack of shrimp-flavored chips and two banana milk. I also noticed a note which said

"Pls eat. I know you didn't eat lunch." with jumbled writing so I couldn't be sure who kept it there.

Who could have left it there?

I quickly remembered seeing Jin behaving strangely around my locker.

How did he know I didn't get to eat?

How did he know my locker code?

Why am I even thinking about this? My crush just got me food, I squealed internally.

Scraping away any weird thoughts of him, away from my head, I collected my books and headed to my math class.

Author's Pov

After all their classes had finished, Jiwon was waiting for Wonyoung in front of her school gate when she was suddenly startled by a voice.

"Why are you so scared?"

"Maybe because no one sneaks up on someone from behind, Jungkook". she retorted.

"Don't mind me I just came to ask if you finally found something to eat."

"What?!, are you here to mock me?. Haven't you annoyed me enough today?"

Sighing, he took her hand and said," I am serious did you finally eat today?"

Seeing Wonyoung from her peripheral vision, she jerked her hand away from Jungkook and walked towards Wonyoung, dragging her away from the school grounds as she glared at Jungkook.

Jiwon's Pov

After a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived at out part-time workplace: a grocery store.

 I was listening to music with my headphones while cleaning the store when I was suddenly tapped by Wonyoung, signaling me to remove my headphones.

"Did you hear about the rumor going around at school?" she asked as we both sat down at the counter.

"What is it?. . ." I replied with less enthusiasm than I am sure she was expecting.

"People are saying you and Jungkook are dating and honestly I believe it".

"I wouldn't even date him if he was the last person on earth, why would you even believe we were dating? You are meant to be the last person in the world to believe that."

"It kinda looks that way honestly. He calls you sweetheart; You guys always bicker cutely like a married couple, and so many other reasons".

Wonyoung came closer to me wiggling her eyebrows, "I do know a way you can prove to me you aren't dating."


"you see that cute boy over there in the snack isle". she pointed at a boy, looking a bit lost in the snack isle.


"flirt and ask him out on a date". She grinned in a way that she resembled the Cheshire cat from Alice in the wonderland.

"are you kidding me?" I scoffed, standing up from the chair. " You know I only have space in my heart for Jin".

"Yes, your world wide handsome". she rolled her eyes air quoting what she said in an attempt to mock me.

"But if you don't go and flirt with him, I am going to assume you are dating Jungkook and tell everyone I saw both of you kissing". She pulled my ass back on the chair.

Seeing the reluctance in my face she assured me "c'mon there's no big deal, you are going to get a cute date out of it and if not the worst he can say is no". She pushed me out of the counter.

Walking closer to the boy with nervous steps, I started thinking about different possible outcomes of this weird task and I could hear Wonyoung snickering behind me.

 One of these days I might just kill her.

I tapped the boy on his shoulder, he smiled at me, and I smiled back looking into his eyes.

"excuse me do you know math?" I asked him already cringing internally.

"yes..." he replied looking confused. I probably look like some weirdo in his eyes.

"Good; cause 4 + 4 = 8 and you + me = fate". I said, winking and snapping my fingers at him.

His eyes suddenly widened as I saw panic stirring  in his eyes, he made a slight yelp walking backward away from me till he ran out the store.

And she said the "worst he can say is no" I muttered to myself before I was distracted by Wonyoung laughing.

"This all your fault." I shouted at her, pursuing her round the store while she laughed at my misery.

Taehyung's Pov

"Why are you back so early? and where are the stuff you were meant to buy." I asked Jimin as he ran through the front door breathing loudly.

He only stared at me for a brief second, before going to the kitchen to pour water on his face. I started getting worried and brought him to sit down as I gave him a cup of water.

"were you robbed?" I asked him as he calmed down.

"No." He shook his heard

"Worse." He continued.


"You saw an animal and it chased you?"

"worse." He said again


"Just tell me I can't think of anything else again".

"My mom." He whispered

"your mom?"

"I met her in the store, she found me cute and came to shoot her shot".

"what do you mean?" I asked hoping he didn't mean what I was thinking.

"My mom asked me out, flirted me and everything." He cringed.

"Sweet home alabama". I said under my breath as he still heard and glared at me.

~I never thought there would be a day, a mother would ask out her own son.

~I never thought there would be a day, a mother would ask out her own son

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