CHAPTER 9: Conspiracy

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Classandra's heart was beating so fast and loud that even the ones who were near her could've heard it. She was back on the dais, sitting at her throne, beside her mother's throne, who was currently not there. Her eyes were shifting between Collins, her brother and her mother. Nothing out of ordinary seemed to be happening, but she just couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. King Christopher was still not in sight. Where exactly was he?

Deciding to take matters into her hand, she stood up from her throne and headed towards her brother.

Her brother was drinking with whom Clare guessed as his friends. Tugging his elbows, Clare tried to pull him away from the crowd. "What's wrong?" He seemed to ask with concern. All the courage she built up on her face was slowly fading away as she tried to explain things to her brother. Her usually tan face turned pale; but she still stood her ground. "Clare?" He called, when he couldn't get a reply from her.

"King Christopher is not here," she blurted out. "He came exactly at the time you were crowned and disappeared again."

"OKAYYYYY....," Alex dragged, trying to comprehend what his sister was talking about.

"Something is wrong, Alex. Collins talked to me again, and..., I don't know..., call it my paranoia, but something is definitely wrong," Clare concluded.

"Do you want me to see what's wrong? Or maybe talk to Collins and try to comprehend what he's up to?" Alex asked, recognizing the seriousness in her voice.

"No," Clare said firmly. "Send guards around the castle to check for suspicious acts."

"Clare," he face palmed himself. "We can't send the guards for a round in the middle of a party. People are gonna get threatened by it."

"You CAN send the guards, and you WILL!" Clare said with strange determination. Her eyes glowed again, and her brother knew better not to offend her more. But he was still not convinced. He took his time thinking, so Clare intervened. Making sure no one was listening, she said, "If you want to keep the crown you just received, you better do as I say." Finally, Alex understood the seriousness of the situation. Sighing, he said, "if it really means so much to you, then fine."

If it means so much to her? What was he talking about? Didn't it mean so much to him too? But Clare needed him to act quickly. Unreasonable debate will only waste time.

"Yes, it means so much to me that you wear the crown. Now, please! Do something!"

Acknowledging Classandra, Alexander informed the head guard regarding the situation, and soon the action was set into motion. Clare took her seat back on the dais. From here forth, she had to wait patiently, but being patient at that moment felt impossible. Soon, she saw her mother pull away from the guests group and go near Alex. After exchanging a few words, her head turned towards Classandra. Clare didn't know what to expect from her mother. Will she be angry? Relieved? Nervous? Irritated? Proud? The thoughts circled Clare's mind as her mother signaled her to meet in the side. Clare was already in too much commotion, the difficulty to commute in her dress only added more fuel.

"Mother," Clare took a bow.

"Why did you order the guards to sweep the ground?" Her mother asked. Clare didn't know what to reply. She couldn't think of an answer. Was she really ordering guards around for a comment said by prince Collins?

"Do you believe that there is a threat to our kingdom?" The queen asked again, seeing the hesitation on her daughter's face.

"Yes mother," Clare breathed.

"Anywhere specific that you suggest for providing high security?" The queen asked. This caught Clare by surprise. The mother who always thought that her daughter was doing things just to spite her off, is actually believing her words. Or was it just her way of mockery? Couldn't be, Clare thought. If her mother suspects any discrepancy in the kingdom, she always comes forth to sort it out.

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