CHAPTER 24: Addressing the court

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Waking up from a nightmare to live in a new one is madness, and yet, here I am, doing exactly the same. My life has taken up an unexpected turn and now I don't know where I'm headed through this fog. The queen of Utopia– not a title I wanted. My brother seemed and will always seem like the right fit for the title to me.

My sweet little brother. He had to take up the role of an elder brother just so I could live in peace. He is two years younger than me. I always felt bad when people expected things beyond his age. I didn't speak up because, genuinely, he was enjoying it. He enjoyed the attention, the tasks, the head spinning responsibility and what not. I don't know. I definitely owe him an apology, which I'll keep in mind to deliver the next time I meet him.

My first day as the queen. I can't even bribe myself out of the bed. For hours I've been sitting at its edge, rocking back and forth, but never getting up. It's a good thing that I am an early riser, if not, I would've already been late to court.

Court... the thought of it scares me to the bones. Never once had I imagined that I would speak in front of those who despise me to the core. A girl with no manners, they had called. Not in front of me or my family though, else... I don't know, I've never thought of an "else" before. Maybe, if they had said this in front of Alex, he would've been enraged, only to be stopped by me. If it was my mother, she would've probably come to me with a lesson on behavioral mannerism. Still, I know they know about it too, yet have no proof to act about it.

Now that I think about it, I have not only passed a law that was earth-shattering to most people, but have also gone ahead without the consent of this very council.

Put on a brave act... that is the only thing that will help me pass this test of life. The world stampedes over you the minute you let down your guard. So, today is just another day. Another day to put on my brave face. Another day to do what I feel is right despite my constant internal battles. Another day to let go in vain.

I think I'm ready to face the world, even if it will last only a day or less.


The courtroom filled with chatter and murmurs, ministers going about the oncoming downfall of the kingdom. We are doomed, collective voices echoed. Corolia was the closest partner in trade! She ruined our revenue! Others exclaimed.

But the minute the steward announced the arrival of the queen, the courtroom fell in utter silence.

Queen Classandra graced the room with her elegant presence, demanding respect with every step. The ministers stood up at their places, their backs as stiff as iron rods. Alex followed his sister silently as her personal advisor. There was a strange tension between them but was masked perfectly by their professional demeanor.

Taking her rightful seat, Classandra looked at all the ministers, the small town kings and queens, dukes and duchess. Their faces were blank and pale. Were they scared or nervous or was it just the weather? Clare didn't know. Alexander took the seat nearest to his sister, a hint of admiration for her visible in his eyes.

"Sit down," Classandra finally said, and everyone followed suit. "Let the assembly begin," she said half in daze. "What is the first thing on the agenda?"

The Steward walked forward and took a bow. "My queen," he said. "The ministers requested to start of with the consequences of the law passed."

"Consequences?" She mused. "Alright. Please enlighten me with what this consequence is that I have clearly missed."

The ministers hesitated for a minute but soon recovered. The finance minister was the first to talk. "Your majesty, as you very well know, Corolia is our largest trader."

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