CHAPTER 22: The first order is issued

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"Instead, how about I go call my dad here while you finish the task in hand, your Majesty?" Collins asked with a calm face.

Clare's eyebrows furrowed at his statement, her mind exploring every possible work he could be mentioning. With a small smile tugging along his lips, Collins nodded his head at Clare's hand. Following his glance, she found the piece of chocolate, patiently waiting for her attention. "This is nothing," she said, astonished by his description of work. "I'll eat later. Lead me to him."

Collins fell in deep thought, shifting his gaze from her face and her hands. "I'll take you to him once you finish that chocolate," he said sternly. "I don't think you will find it classy talking to my father with a chocolate in hand."

Clare's eyebrows raised at his statement. He might be right, but she was the queen now, and that is no way to talk to a queen. An intense staring competition broke out between them, her eyes glowing by the second. Finally, Collins shrugged, "Eat whatever you want, my Queen. It is said that a mind doesn't function at its fullest while hungry."

With a long sigh, Clare popped the chocolate in her mouth. With no time to relish the taste, she swallowed it and gestured to him to lead the way. Walking ahead, Collins followed close behind, leading with his hands every once in a while. Dreading the conversation that lay ahead, Clare put on a brave face, a mask she always wore in public.

Soon, she was face to face with the king of Corolia. Collins took his place near a young man who was already beside the king. Another prince of Corolia, Clare assumed. "My queen," King Christopher greeted with a bow. Classandra nodded to convey her respects. "My hearty congratulations on the coronation."

Clare had her mouth sealed, nodding a thank you at his statement. "The conversation we had last time was filled with energy, don't you think?" Christopher continued.

"Indeed," she said bitterly.

"The glowing eyes were a fantastic touch too," he continued with a grin. Classandra's head remained high, unwilling to reveal any further details. "Did you know," his voice dropped to a whisper. "The legend states that whoever is born with those powers are highly unstable."

Her eyebrows lifted at his statement, a mock concern evident in her eyes.

"And an unstable queen on the throne of Utopia," he shook his head with puckered lips. "Not so glamorous."

Classandra nodded thoughtfully.

"I still have the scroll to prove it," he said proudly, patting slightly on his coat pockets. 

"Do you really think I paved the way for your rise to power just because I supported you," he chuckled, amusing Classandra. "It is only a matter of time people are going to revolt against you and throw you off the power. Then, the games would be the only way to determine the ruler."

Classandra nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. With a tsk of her tongue, she asked, "Is that all?"

The rulers had a silent moment, staring into each other's soul, a playful smile never leaving. 

"The praises of you are endless, your Majesty!" He beamed real loud. Classandra was taken aback by the sudden loudness. "Speaking about your praises, I almost forgot."

"This is my second born, Prince Christoph." 

Prince Christoph took a bow. Classandra nodded, acknowledging his respect. "And I would like to put forth a proposal. One that would tie our kingdoms closer together."

"And what would that proposal be," she asked, genuinely curious. 

"A marriage proposal, my queen!" He beamed. The ballroom fell into deafening silence. "Marriage?" Classandra echoed. She was met with a silent smile. A glance at prince Christoph told that he wasn't here for the marriage but was completely in on whatever his father planned. Collins' face was nothing but blank. 

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