Chapter Seven

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The sunlight flitting through the window caused Aaliyah to stir awake with a groan

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The sunlight flitting through the window caused Aaliyah to stir awake with a groan. She squinted against the bright light, her head throbbing with a relentless, pounding ache that seemed to echo through her entire skull. The inside of her mouth felt like sandpaper, and a heavy, nauseating weight settled in her stomach, making every movement feel like a monumental effort.

As she tried to shift, a warm, solid weight around her middle stopped her. She turned slightly, her movements careful and deliberate to avoid worsening her headache. Jax was still asleep beside her, his arm draped protectively over her waist. His mouth was slightly open, soft snores escaping from it. For a moment, she watched him, taking in the peaceful rise and fall of his chest, the way the morning light softened his features.

Aaliyah smiled despite her discomfort. She carefully lifted Jax's arm and slipped out of bed, making sure not to wake him. The floor was cool beneath her bare feet as she padded to the bathroom. A splash of cold water on her face helped clear the fog in her mind, though it did little to ease the pulsing pain in her temples.

Determined to do something nice for Jax, Aaliyah decided to make breakfast. She made her way to the kitchen, each step careful to avoid making too much noise. The smell of coffee brewing slowly filled the house, mingling with the faint scent of toast and eggs sizzling in the pan. As she cooked, she found herself thinking about that white picket fence life.

By the time Jax woke up and wandered into the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes, Aaliyah had a full breakfast spread laid out on the table. He looked at her with a mix of surprise and gratitude.

"Morning," she said with a smile, though her head still pounded. "Thought I'd make us some breakfast."

Jax pulled her into a gentle hug, his eyes sparkling with appreciation. "Thanks, Aaliyah. This looks amazing."

"It was the least I could do." Aaliyah said as she placed a plate filled with food in front of him.

Breakfast went by quickly as Aaliyah and Jax ate and talked, the kitchen filled with the warmth of their deepening connection. As they lingered over their coffee, Jax opened up about his past, sharing a story that was both poignant and personal.

"My older brother, Thomas, died when he was just six," Jax began, his voice tinged with sadness. "He had a heart condition, something that's been passed down through our family for generations. It was like living with a shadow over our heads, always knowing that it could strike at any moment."

Aaliyah felt a pang of sorrow for Jax and his family. "That must have been incredibly hard," she said softly, reaching across the table to touch his hand. The loss of a sibling at such a young age was unimaginable to her.

"It was," Jax admitted, his eyes reflecting the pain of those memories. "It was tough on my mom and dad. I fear that what happened to Thomas going to happen to Abel."

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