Chapter Twelve

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Aaliyah let out a frustrated groan as she shoved her laptop away, the screen dimming as it landed haphazardly on the bed

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Aaliyah let out a frustrated groan as she shoved her laptop away, the screen dimming as it landed haphazardly on the bed. She had been trying to focus on her homework for what felt like hours, but every attempt seemed to end in a dead end. Her mind was a tangled mess, distracted by a thousand other thoughts that had nothing to do with the assignment in front of her. The words on the screen blurred together, and she could feel the tension building in her temples. With a huff, she crossed her arms and glared at the offending device, as if it were solely responsible for her mounting frustration

Aaliyah's mind had been a storm of restless thoughts lately, swirling with anxieties she couldn't quite explain. It wasn't just the usual stress from school or life weighing her down-there was something else, something much more unsettling. She had this nagging feeling that someone was following her, always lurking just out of sight. At first, she brushed it off as her imagination running wild, but the feeling had only grown stronger over the past few days. Every time she walked down an empty street or sat alone in a café, she felt that prickling sensation on the back of her neck, as if unseen eyes were watching her every move. The sensation was so intense that she found herself constantly looking over her shoulder, expecting to catch a glimpse of a shadow disappearing around the corner.

She had thought about bringing it up to Jax and Opie. She figured maybe it wasn't just paranoia-perhaps one of the club's prospects had been sent to tail her for her own safety. It wouldn't be the first time the Sons had someone keeping watch, especially with all the recent tension surrounding the club. It made sense, really, that Jax or Opie might have ordered it without telling her, just to make sure nothing happened to her. But every time she thought about asking, a wave of doubt washed over her. What if it wasn't that at all? What if she was just overreacting, letting her fears get the best of her?

The last thing she wanted was to sound paranoid in front of them, especially when they had so much else on their plate. So, instead of speaking up, she kept it to herself, bottling up the anxiety and trying to ignore the growing dread that something-or someone-was out there, watching her every step.
Maybe a drive would help clear her head. Aaliyah grabbed her keys and headed to her car, her mind swirling with thoughts she couldn't quite pin down. She slid into the driver's seat, the familiar feel of the leather under her hands bringing a small sense of comfort. After taking a deep breath, she turned on the engine and immediately tuned the radio to her favorite station, letting the soothing music drown out the noise in her head.

Without a plan or destination, she pulled out of her driveway, letting the warm afternoon air wash over her as she rolled the windows down. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the fresh breeze coming in from the open window was calming, almost enough to quiet her racing thoughts. She didn't know where she was going, but that was part of the point. She just needed to escape, to drive without thinking, without worrying about where she'd end up.

As she cruised along the road, time seemed to slip away. The steady hum of the engine and the soft music on the radio blended into the background, and Aaliyah felt herself relaxing, if only a little. She barely noticed the changing scenery-trees giving way to buildings, neighborhoods shifting into busy intersections. All she knew was the road ahead and the comfort of being in motion.

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