Chapter 13

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I was sitting in the bus staring outside of the window on my way to school, The trip had come to an end and now it was back to being stuck at school..I felt so exhausted from last night ,I sighed from relief because I was so pleased that Kim Jang-mi wouldn't bother me anymore at least. I then got off the bus as it reached my school. I ran straight to the locker rooms to put my stuff down. I then headed to my classroom and plopped on my chair and sighed from feeling so tired. Jake then walked in the classroom and smiled when our eyes met, I smiled back trying to keep a pleasant expression on my face all tho I felt horrible. He then took a seat behind me. "Good morning Y/n" "Morning Jake" "Are you doing better today, are you still feeling sick?" "Yea I guess" Jake nodded and took his books out for our first class  he then looked at me and saw how exhausted I looked. "Are you still thinking about yesterday?" He said softly while running his hands through his hair. "I'm just worried she's up to no good" I sighed as I kept on fidgeting with my hands. Jake then noticed how worried Y/n looked and put his warm hands on hers so she could stop fidgeting with them which made her heart flutter a bit. "I'm sure it will be all right, you have me to help you" Jake smiled as he patted Y/Ns head and held her hands tightly

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Class had ended and I felt so worried because exams was in a week and I didn't understand a thing. "Y/n, looks like we both have Physics next" Niki said. I then turned to him and nodded. "Oh I have Physics next to" Jake replied. "What about you Heesung?" I asked. "Nope I have Geography." He sighed. "Welp I better get going see you guys soon" we all nodded Heesung bye and made our way to physics. I took a seat and Jake took a seat next to me and so did Niki making me in between them. Class then began and I grew frustrated because it was so confusing. I then sighed heavily I just wanted to walk out the classroom door. "Psst Y/n you good?" Jake whisperd. "Nope.. I don't understand any of this crap and exams are next week" I whispered back to him. "Hmm.. its pretty easy tho" "it's not for me Jake" I said looking irritated. Jake chuckled softly as he found it cute when she looked irritated. "I can help you study after school today?" Y/n then looked up into Jake's eyes trying to keep her excitement in. "Really?" Jake nodded. "We can go to my place my brother is coming home late today anyway" Jake nodded and smiled while stroking his hair out his face.

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Jake and I had dropped off Heesung and Niki to there places after school and we headed to my place. I then unlocked the door letting him inside. "Oh let me get that for you." I said while taking Jake's shoes and putting them in the corner. "Would you like anything to drink" I offered while running towards the kitchen. "Uh water is good please" I nodded and got a glass of water for him. As Jake looked around the house. "Here!" I smiled. "Thank you" he smiled back. "Let's go up to my room" we then both went upstairs. "Uh can you show me the restroom real quick" I nodded and pointed towards the restroom. He thanked me and went to the bathroom. I then opened my room door and totally forgot how messy I had left it in the morning. I looked at my room in a panic as I saw a bunch of clothes and underwear was on the floor. I then quickly grabbed all my clothes and stuffed them under my pillow. Jake then knocked on my room door. I then let him in and he  looked around. "Your room is so clean" I then chuckled nervously. "Yea..." I replied. Jake then made his way to take a look at a picture of me when I was little. I then ran over and grabbed the picture. "Hahaha.. it's just a really ugly picture, you don't want to see it" I said while my cheeks turned red out of embarrassment. Jake then chuckled teasely. He then grabbed it out of my hands. "YAH!" I then jumped up trying to grab it from him. "Comon let me see" Jake smirked. I then jumped higher trying to reach it as he lifted his hands higher making us lose our balance and falling on the bed together. Jake then stared into Y/Ns eyes and they were staring at each other in shock. Jake's face grew very red and I jumped up from my bed. I then stood there not knowing what to say next. Jake then stood up and fixed his clothes and brushed his hair out his face we then looked at each other awkwardly. I then cleared my throat "uh.. I'll go get us both some water" "yea.. s..sure" I then quickly ran downstairs and got both of us a glass of water each. I then ran upstairs and saw Jake had prepared all our books by my desk. He then looked up to meet with my eyes I then quickly looked away still feeling embarrassed. Jake then giggled "come on let's get started" he smiled. I gave him his glass of water and grabbed the chair at the corner of my room and placed it next to mine by my desk. "You can sit here" I said. Jake nodded and took a seat next to me. I then took a pen out my pencil case and had a sip of water. "Do you always keep your clothes under your pillow?" I then chocked on my water after Jake said that. Jake then looked concerned and patted my back. I then looked up at him. "Huh I don't know what you mean" I chuckled feeling embarrassed. "When we fell on on.. the bed your pillow fell and yea I saw your-" "hahaha ok let's focus" I then grew very red. Jake looked at me and laughed from how red I had gotten. "Oh shut up wouldn't you be embarrassed if a girl saw that stuff..." I pouted. Jake then looked down. "Hmm I suppose so" I then sighed and he laughed as he found it funny.

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Jake and I had finally finished studying. I then got up from my chair and stretched. "Finally done" I yawned. Jake then began to pack his things away and put his bag on his back. We then both went downstairs and stood there in silence "Uh, you must be hungry after all that studying" I smiled. I then headed to the kitchen and took a pack of ramen noodles out the cabinet. "Wanna have some with me before you leave?" I offered. Jake then smiled "sure why not" I then smiled and ran back to the kitchen to start making the noodles. "How should I help you, I can't just stand and do nothing" Jake said. "You're the guest Jake just sit down and relax." "I really don't mind helping tho" I then sighed. "You could make some boiled eggs for us" a smile then formed on Jake's face "Sure I'll do that!" I then took the knife to cut us some spring onion. I then didn't notice the blade was so close to my fingers. "Ow!" Jake then turned around quickly. "What happened?" "It's nothing I just cut myself." Jake then went over to his bag and brought ointment and a plaster. He then handed it to me and helped me put the plaster on."Why do u have that in your bag?" "Just incase you never know what can happen at school" Jake said while looking focused on peeling the shell of the boiled eggs. I then caught myself smiling at him. Jake then turned around and saw me smiling at him. I quickly turned around. "Jeez the weather has been so hot recently" I chuckled nervously. Jake then nodded looking confused. "Yea I guess.." "Ooh! The noodles are done" I then grabbed some bowls and placed them on the table. I then quickly took the pot and put it in the middle of the noodles. Jake then came and put a bowl of a few boiled eggs next to the noodles. "Mmmm it smells so good I can't wait!" Jake chuckled. We then both sat down and ate the noodles. I didn't care if I looked messy because it was so good. Jake had then finished and watched me eating silently. He smiled as he watched her enjoy the meal. "Done!, ah that was good" I smiled, I looked up and saw Jake it looked like he was holding in a laugh. "What?" I said confused. "Y/n your face" he said and immediately burst out laughing. I then stood up to go see in the bathroom mirror and saw my face was all covered in the ramen sauce. I quickly washed my face feeling a little embarrassed that Jake saw me like that. I then made my way to the kitchen and saw Jake washing the dirty dishes. I couldn't help but think that he looked kinda cute. I then went over to him. "I see your face is clean now" he smiled. My heart felt like it could explode at that very moment. He looked so happy and it made me smile to think he was enjoying himself. "Let me help with the dishes" I smiled and Jake nodded.

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Jake and I had finished the dishes and it was starting to get dark. Jake then grabbed his bag. "Thanks for the meal I had a good time." A smile then formed on my face. "No problem,thanks for helping me with studying" I said cheerfully. "Anytime, well I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded. I then turned to leave then Jake grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a hug. I was very surprised and my heart was racing. His body felt very warm and I found that very comforting for some reason. Jake then left with a smile and closed the door behind him. When he left I jumped up and down in excitement my heart was pounding and I felt great. I then ran upstairs in my room and shut the door. I then plopped on my bed with my hand on my chest. I smiled and thought to myself. Yes, I have fallen for him,I have fallen for Shim jaeyun.

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