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Alien slept peacefully on my hat as I finished taking care of some knots and checked the state of our anchor again. I had to make sure that it remained unscratched, at least the bit that we could see from aboard. It looked like it was going to be there for a while.

I searched for my crew with my eyes. Karma was easy to spot, given her purple skin and everything. She was staring out at the sea, facing the island covered in fog. Her staff was right beside her, as if it were watching too.
Morgi and Ana were sitting together near the cabin's door. Morgi spoke to her friend about whatever while she cleaned her gun and nodded from time to time.
As for Leonora, I didn't see her anywhere. I assumed she was in the cabin, resting.

It had been a little weird lately, that's something I had to admit. They were my crew, and I was coming to terms with the fact that they weren't that bad. But sometimes , my mind kept repeating to me "They're girls, they'll bring nothing but misfortune onboard!". I would've believed it if it weren't for everything that they had done for me so far. And it had just been a few days.


Laying on the bed I called mine, facing the ceiling, I tried to ignore my own hunger. Under regular circumstances, I would've already complained to Ruby, but this was far from a normal occurrence. On top of that, our ship was completely still in front of the Lost World, our objective, and we couldn't finally get there because we didn't know the consequences the Mist would have in Karma, Morgi and Ana.

It was infuriating! To think that the wicked witch could be there, just outside of our reach... It made my blood boil. While deep in my thoughts like this, I realised that I didn't know who my hatred was directed towards.

I hated Scelesta for what she took away from me. But I could never bring myself to think poorly of Eloise, my dearest Eloise.
And I hated that stupid fog, or Mist, or whatever. I hated it for stranding us when our objective was right on our face.

I didn't even realise it when the tears began to stain my cheeks, because no amount of anger could distract me from how much I missed my father, my brother and even Sir Gareth, whom I knew I wasn't ever going to see again.

It's embarrassing to admit it, but for a moment there, I felt like I was going to die right then and there, like the mattress was going to swallow me whole and never spit me out again.


It is a greatly unexpected event, but one of the truthseekers that had left for the land of the unfeeling not too long ago rushed back to the sacred cave. His doom would have been inevitable had he not explained himself swiftly.

He had purposefully been left behind by the group in order to inform us of a rather displeasing fact: the filthbearers have reached these almost pure lands, sheltered inside of one of their filthy ships. This cannot be. We must protect our soon to be purity and our offerings, and there is no way to do that but to pray to our most sacred Everything with all the might our mortal bodies can bear.

We must all fall to our knees and beg. Beg the Omnia to make the impious outsiders pay for their offense, to make them feel the power they are messing with so they can flee or perish.

Alex [TW: mentions of violence]

The ropes in which the pirates kept us were so tightly tied around us that, at least in my case, it was hard to even breathe. Gene didn't even bother himself with looking at Sharkbeard, he just sat there by my side and stared at the ground with those same tired eyes as he had had for our entire journey that far.

--Now, little troublemakers--The pirate spoke, hatred almost palpable in his tone--. You're gonna explain what's going on. Because not even Cannon Arm is dumb enough to believe that your little friend's appearance, the witch's attack and now your presence here is just a big bloody coincidence. Tell us, what are your plans with Rubens?!

--Yeah!--One of his men cheered from behind him--. Don't you dare turn our alcohol provider into one of those fancy-pant knights!

Sharkbeard quickly shushed him, turning his attention back to us. I peeked at Gene and noticed that he hadn't moved a single centimetre. Sharkbeard probably saw it too, so he decided to bring his saber up close to my friend's throat. I shook myself like a worm on a bait while he smirked at my face. Gene didn't even flinch, though.

--Don't you dare do anything stupid, Sharkbeard. You know you'd have all of Kingsland after you if you even attempted...--I tried to threaten him, despite the situation I was in.

--Yet that wouldn't help your scientist if I were to slit his throat right here and now. So speak now, prince, or I'll shut him up forever.

--We don't know what you're talking about--I desperately whispered out. I wasn't lying, we had just gotten there--. We came here after Ruby, we haven't seen her in days.

--You were so quick to beg, I don't know if that makes your cries more believable or more suspicious--His blade pressed lightly against Gene's skin as I watched in horror.

My friend spoke only after taking in my frightened expression. He was so calm when he spoke:--He tells the truth. This witch seems to be the same one that attacked Kingsland not even a week ago. There seems to be a pattern, as she's also taken some lives there.

Sharkbeard didn't seem to buy it. I could see why, after all he had no reason to trust us and it was far too much of a coincidence that Ruby and us had appeared there at different times, right after whatever went down with her father. I just prayed that he wouldn't draw blood about it.

--You say you know nothing about Rubens... And how about the girls that accompanied Ruby, huh?! Surely, a tall purple woman with horns stands out.

--A tall purple...--I mindlessly echoed, as my mind immediately started screaming Babacara's name.

I thought that maybe she had found her apprentice and together they took revenge on Ruby for... Whatever she had done. Knowing her, it could've been anything, she had more than enough time during our separation to offend anyone she had possibly come across. I looked at Gene and I could easily tell that he was thinking the same thing.

For a moment, when hearing his first sentence, I had thought that it was good that Ruby wasn't on her own with Alien, but I remember how my blood went cold as ice the moment he mentioned that strange lady we assumed was Babacara.

We didn't get out of our state of shock until Sharbeard addressed us:--So you're not gonna be of use, hm? Very well--. He removed his saber from Gene's neck and sheathed it again. He turned around to face his men and raised his tone:--Grab them and turn them into shark food, boys. The king won't bother us if his son is at the bottom of the sea.

Before I could even have time to think of anything, a voice interrupted the pirates.  And boy, did I recognise that voice.

--Hey bros! Cut that out, that's very not cool of you!

I could tell that Gene's face must've been so fun to watch--if we weren't in such a situation--just by the way he sighed and grumbled, contrasting his previous calm and collected behaviour.

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