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For a moment, I didn't understand where I was. It took me a while to recognise the inside of the Chameleon. I was seated on the right of the driver's spot, but the chair was Gene's. Confused, I looked at the driver's seat. It was my chair, the one that floated above the ground in there. Why were they switched?

Then the reason why I was sitting on his seat instead of mine kicked in. Recent memories flooded my mind, yet they clashed with the sensation I had of having just seen Gene. Was he gone or not?

I looked out at what was outside of the Chameleon, and it surprised me that it was not the ocean. It was... The fairies' castle? When had we arrived at Enchanted Island? More alarmed than before, I checked the back of the vehicle, rubbing what felt like sleep off of my eyes. When had I fallen asleep? Where did Twinkle and those two idiots go?

I got up, unsheathed my sword and made my way towards the exit door of the vehicle with cautious steps. I gripped my weapon tighter each centimetre I moved, fearing the worst.

To my surprise, I found Twinkle, Rock Brock and Franz talking safely and calmly, a few meters outside of the Chameleon, right at the limit between the glowing forest and the grass plain where the vehicle was parked. They hadn't noticed me yet, so I decided to retreat back inside and listen to their conversation. I didn't put my sword back in its place.

--But that won't solve anything!--Twinkle objected to something I hadn't the opportunity to catch, her voice not even half as cheerful as usual--. The queen will never believe us, and if Alex...

--We can't count on him, Twi! Don't you see that he thinks you're lamer than him and techno guy?

I didn't understand why Rock Brock would say that. I mean, in part I did, because he was an idiot and of course he'd spill such nonsense. Yes, I might've treated her differently than the others sometimes, and given her the easier tasks, but that was only to protect her! She's the youngest of us, after all, and, especially after Ruby and Alien disappeared along with my sister, I was not risking her too. Twinkle looked down, and she seemed to get heavier on her wings, flying slightly lower. There was a fair share of negative emotions that caused her to do that.

--What do we do, then?--Her tone suggested that she was holding back tears, it was the weakest I had heard her in a long time.

--You think the queen won't believe us, but that's just because I haven't tried it yet!--Rock Brock proclaimed--. She won't have any other choice than trust our word once I, the GREATEST adventurer of them all, inevitably persuade her with my super cool words!

At that, I scoffed like Ruby or Gene would have. He had more chances at convincing Dr. X that magic was real than at getting anything sensible into that frog's stubborn head. At that point, I was trying my hardest to not snap at them, since curiosity was pushing me to listen to the whole conversation. But my patience was running thinner by each syllable Rock Brock spoke.

--I say that you two, Franzy and Twi, my MOST reliable bros, stay in the Chameleon and make sure that princey boy doesn't wake up!


...That was enough. Sacrificing one of my friends had already gotten me worked up, but putting another one of them against me? That was the breaking point for me. I didn't have a chance to glance at it and check, but I'd swear that my knuckles turned white at how tightly I held onto my sword right before stepping outside of the Chameleon, any trace of hesitation already gone. I didn't even bother to get my weapon back to its sheath. No. I was done being friendly with those two idiots.

--Looks to me that they've failed the task without even beginning it--I said through gritted teeth.

Franz placed himself behind Rock Brock, so swiftly that I assumed it was pure reflex. Twinkle just looked at me. It was almost uncanny how her eyes seemed empty for a moment, as if she didn't know what to feel. I couldn't say the same thing about myself. I perfectly knew what emotion was running through my veins.

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