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It is as the Everything says: the outsiders are gone. I hope they take that as an exile, it is what I am willing to treat it as. With the filthy pirate and Leonora still close to our land, it is still not a total victory, yet it is a first defeat for the filth.

Now I can put my whole focus on getting our next offering, as it matters no more if the Omnia retreats or not, since it cannot take away the blessings given to those who dwell on this world from birth.

How foolish prince Alexander was in allowing his Technopolians to retreat what once was mine. Creating a magical link is easier when one already knows the objects one's consciousness is trying to sneak into. And it happens that I know a certain pair of purple gloves all too well...


In the blink of an eye, the Chameleon stops in a sudden movement that would make anyone lose their balance. I manage to stay seated in my spot without falling down, but Brock seems to not be as lucky. I try to grab his arm so he doesn't hit the floor face first, but my strength isn't enough and the both of us end up falling down like dominoes.

--What was that for, bro?!--My friend complains from underneath me.

--Sorry, I...--Gene tries to explain himself with a weak tone of voice, but grows quiet. Strange.

Twinkle rushes to me and Brock to help us stand back up. He asks me if I'm alright while she uses a spell to put him back on his feet. I nod, though my attention is in the front part of the vehicle.


When we suddenly braked in the middle of the ocean, without the radars having caught any strange activity or creature near us, I assumed that the problem was with Gene.

He quietly apologised, but he looked rather unfocused.

--Are you okay?--I rushed from my seat to his and put a hesitant hand on his shoulder.

I was so worried about him that I didn't pay attention to whatever Twinkle was saying in the back of the Chameleon. Hell, I even forgot to check, not even with a swift glance, if the three people we were carrying there were okay...

Gene was holding his head as if he was being bothered by a strong migraine. I noticed the way his fingers tried to dig into his skin. That was most definitely not good, so I took his hands in mine and held them tightly. They were shaking slightly.

There was something in his eyes which I wasn't used to seeing in them. Fear. Uncertainty. I had to try my best not to panic too and stay strong for my companions instead.

--Gene--I softly whispered, trying to sound calm--. Gene, dear, let's take a deep breath, okay..?

He was so out of himself, and I didn't understand why. What was wrong? I hadn't noticed anything weird. Was he sick, maybe? He did get sick a lot in the past, when it hadn't been too long since he left Technopolis.

Gene squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled deeply. It wasn't until his head was on my shoulder that he exhaled, just as deeply. His eyes remained shut, though. To see him calm down warms my heart slightly.



Like every day, I wake up in my bed. I'm one of the so-called "lucky" Technopolians that have a room all for themselves. Its white, pristine walls greet me every morning and every night, and today I feel like I'll leave them to go to the archives.

Getting in is what one would call "difficult", though I prefer to address it as merely a challenge. The archives contain all sorts of valuable information of what once existed for us, "the outside world"...

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