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I don't know how to go about this. Or if I should do anything at all. In the middle of such a mess, I go and realise I like my best friend. As if I didn't have enough problems.

The reason why it's even worse is that I'm a technopolian. For most of my life, feelings of this sort had been comfortably blocked out by pills, so I'm not sure what any of this means, or why it's happening, or what the consequences could be.

It feels like making a complex experiment without any previous research on the topic.

I peek at him. He's talking to Twinkle with that big dumb smile of his. Cute. Is that what you call it?

External narrator

The fairy's frown didn't leave her face at all after Rock Brock laid out his "ultimate super cool plan to get to Enchanted Island" to her. She looked at nothing more than her hands, curled into fists that rested on her lap, away from her wand, which was beside her.

--I'm... Not sure about that...

--Then what else can we do?

--I don't know, but I'm not even sure I can work my magic now...--She whined.

--Why? You're an amazing fairy, Twi!--The adventurer tried to cheer.

--Gene... I'm so sad about him that I might even...--Her sentence was cut off by her own tears, streaming down her cheeks.

--Woah, bro, calm down! We're gonna save him!

--But the witch took him! What if... What if she's done the same to Ruby and Alien and Leonora?--Twinkle's hands were brought up to her face, holding her head while she cried.

Rock Brock didn't understand. They were the heroes, and on top of that, they had him, the greatest adventurer this world had ever seen. According to him, the odds couldn't possibly be better. Well, maybe if the rest of the Super 4 (that includes Alien) was there, but he didn't think that mattered at all.

He had come out pretty much alright from fights with dinosaurs on his own, even if it was pure luck, so why should he worry so much about a loser who thinks she's the queen of offerings? Or was it a priestess of foggy stuff? He couldn't care less, but he was gonna try and beat her ass anyways. For being a bitch, and for messing with his friends and him.

At that moment, though, Rock Brock knew he needed to focus on trying to make the fairy feel a little better, or else they'd be stranded at sea for far too long, and then the witch would get the last offering and god knows what would follow that. He thought of maybe patting her back, but that thought quickly faded as he glanced at her wings. He didn't really know how they worked, so not worth the risk.

--Hey, Twi! You wanna make techno guy and the knight proud, right?--He questioned.

Not even looking at his eyes, Twinkle confirmed that with a subtle nod.

Rock Brock's face got painted with a winning smile before talking again, proud of what he had come up with to say.

--Then you have to be strong! We can cry all we want once we're all reunited again. You'll get to release all that sad stuff, but with happy tears! Doesn't it sound good?

--Do you really think we can save the day?--She sniffed--. But Gene's gone. Ruby and Alien have also been gone for a week or so now... How..?

--Well I don't think your bros would like you to give up, so less sobbing more scheming!

--Scheming sounds evil...--The fairy's voice came out whinier than intended.

--Then less sobbing more magic doing!

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