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We've already left Gunpowder Island, but I still feel uneasy. Something feels... Wrong. And if I had to guess, I'd say that it's coming from the pile of Eloise's old belongings.

It has an unsettling aura to it, as illogical as that may sound. And I swear I'm hearing it whisper in a language I don't understand... Which is weird. I'm a Technopolian, my portable translator should be working... Maybe it's just my imagination. I've been tense for the whole week that Brock and I have been travelling with the Super 4 (should I still call them that if Ruby and Alien are lost somewhere, though..?), so it could just be that.

Yes, it has to be that. There's no way that the abandoned objects that we found locked up in the dungeons of a magical castle, left behind by a magic-thirsty human that supposedly became a witch is actually doing something magical.

...That sounds stupid. Of course it would.

However, I can't bother Alex and Gene with that, since they're busy discussing what they found out in Gunpowder Island thanks to Sharkbeard. They're convinced that the purple skinned individual with black horns is BabaCara, and that the other girls that the pirates spoke about are most likely whoever Twinkle and Brock saw in the communication while we were in the Enchanted Island.

It's madness. All of this, from Brock's abduction to Ruby's and Alien's disappearance to the witches' mysteries... Not really the kind of adventure I dreamt of back inside the dome, but still more thrilling than my previous life. And most importantly: Brock's by my side. And he promised that he wasn't gonna leave.


The first thing Ana did when we reached the spot where her friends and Leonora awaited us was throw herself against Karma and Morgi for one of those corny ass group hugs. A speck of jealousy raised in my stomach, but I contained it. I was sure that I didn't need that, and most definitely not from anyone who wasn't one of my three friends.

--I missed you almost as much as I missed my boobs!--She weakly blabbered out while Karma enveloped her with her arms and her tail. Morgi, however, looked slightly mortified.

Leonora gave me a relieved look, I guessed that it was because the three girls were now awake again. It had been exhausting, but it was over. Or so I thought, since I didn't bother thinking about the thick fog that still floated all around us.

Her eyes went to Alien next, and I saw her expression switch from relieved to worried as she got up in a heartbeat. The princess took him from my arms and held him as if he was a baby or something.

--Aw, poor Alien! He must be so tired... But I'm glad you're all alright.

--Captain--Karma spoke up, an emotion I didn't fully understand present in her voice--. I'm very sorry for when I attacked you... If I caused any harm, I'll make up for it, I promise.

I desperately glanced at Leonora, since I had no idea of what to answer to an apology like that. What was she even sorry about? She had thought I was some "Estelle" bitch, so it wasn't like she willingly tried to strike me. Leonora just gave me a look and a nod, encouraging me to say something, anything, to make Karma feel better.

--It's okay--I tried to cover up the hesitance in my voice as best as I could--. You didn't ask for that. None of us did. And I'm perfectly fine, see?

There was a moment of silence before Morgi's voice was heard:--Sorry to break your heartfelt moments, but we're still surrounded by a fucking murderous fog deity that's probably commanded by our worst enemy right now.

--It's alright--I tried to reassure them, something Alex always made sure to do before any risky missions--. We can leave the Lost World. There should be other leads scattered across other lands, so...

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