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𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐄 had always been a popular girl in school, having a twin brother that was on the soccer team. She had two best friends, Stacey and Lydia since kindergarten. They were inseparable. They had all been in the same kindergarten class together becoming friends instantly.

In third grade the girls became friends with to other girl Tara and Nicki.

Once the day of 6th grade came Danielle had been the only popular girl in their also friend group. Which meant Danielle had become apart of the 'popular' group of girls. That also meant the original group she was apart of were now the group of losers. Danielle had also become closer with girls that were her friends but was never close. They had become the popular girls. Lydia and Stacey began to leave Danielle out of everything, hangouts, movie nights, sleepovers. And eventually they began to just stop inviting her to their hangouts. Danielle had no idea why this was happening. She didn't know what she did wrong.

In the middle of summer the girls made up and became best friends again. Around the end of July Danielle got a boyfriend named Noah. They had met at school but didnt really talk until summer. Stacey and Lydia were a mixture of jealous and happy. Noah was very close with Staceys crush since 4th grade, Andy Goldfarb.

This caused Stacey to always hangout with Noah and Danielle. Which was pretty annoying due to the fact that Andy was never with them. At the start of 8th grade Lydia and Stacey were being even worse friends. Danielle began to get closer with the popular group. Danielle started seeing a new prospective of life and began to stop talking to Lydia and Stacey. This made the two girls furious. They wanted to get revenge the best way possible. So they begun spreading rumors about Danielle. Some of them being, 'she was talking to multiple guys', 'she drank,' and more. Danielle didn't understand why, she was only in 8th grade, these rumors were so unrealistic. However people believed them, and began bullying Danielle.

Some of the bullying being to harsh Danielle started to cut herself and starve herself. Her mom and brother would always wonder why she wouldn't eat. Unfortunately Noah believed some of these rumors and broke up with her. Danielle didn't wanna go to school anymore because of the bullying. She'd come home and cry herself to sleep. She would never come out of her room. Until one day, it all stopped. People began to be nice to her, and Stacey and Lydia became unknown again. Danielle still had the cuts and scars and bruises that she could never erase from her body. She could never get rid of the comments and hurtful statements she received. She would always have to deal with the pain. No matter what happens.

lor speaks💕🏝️,
i aged them up a grade so it wouldn't seem too weird.