will you marry me?

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It's almost the end of 2025.. everyone got discharged from the military.. yoongi was the last one to get discharged.. they all had took a special leave to welcome jin and it continued all the way.. they welcomed everyone like that..

Now they were waiting for their comeback and working on their new album.. it's been a while since a proper group comeback.. the fans were excited so were the members.. and in their new album, they wrote songs about everything they've experienced.. but there was something special.. a cover song sang by jungkook and namjoon got released again..

"Fools" by troye sivan is the original one.. namjoon and jungkook had sang it in their young days. But they decided to make it better with some Korean lyrics in it. The fans loved it. Jungkook's angelic voice with namjoon's deep honey voice was always the best combination and blessing to the ears of the fans.. nowadays namkook has been a bit more recognisable as a ship..

Their new album named "FOREVER"
got released and it broke their previous records as well..the fans loved it.. and then it was time for their world tour.. and they were practicing to give their best to the fans.. singing and dancing live as a group after a long time was both exciting and filled with nervousness as well.. the world tour started.. they performed in different countries..

Today was the last day.. they had performed the songs from their new album the previous day.. today they decided to perform the songs they had released as soloists.. and that's what happened.. jin performed
"The Astronaut".. yoongi performed songs from D-day.. and dedicated "somebody does love" to jin.. as jin pointed at yoongi while ending his song with 'and I looooooveeee youuu" it was obvious..

Jimin performed letter, closer to you and be mine.. while Taehyung performed rainy day and dedicated his song fri(end)s to his "friend" jimin.. the things shocked the whole fandom..
Namjoon performed closer, wild flower and come back to me from his solo albums.. jungkook performed closer to you, standing next to you and 3D.. and hoseok performed equal sign and more and on the streets.. the fans screamed their lungs out to cheer them.. then everyone demanded for the namkook duet song.. and then they performed it..

While standing close .. looking at each other.. holding hands..they sang

"Only fools fall for you, only fools
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall
Only fools fall for you, only fools
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall"

The fans looked at them with awe and cheered for them..

And now it was the time to end their concert..the members gave their ending speech .. and after everyone, it was namjoon's turn to speak.. namjoon took a deep breath because the things he's about to say is dangerous.. but he has to do it..

"Hello ARMYs.. so this is the end of our world tour.. we visited different countries.. we performed as a group after a long time.. and it felt good.. we missed you all soo much and it felt good seeing you here.. dancing and singing for you.. i had Missed this feelings so much.. ah.. I'm sorry.. I'm getting emotional.. but i want to tell you something.. that it's just another beginning of our journey.. bangtan was there and will always be here for you all.. you're the best part of our life.. and I'm truly grateful for the support you showed us all these years.. in our solo era.. we learned how different we were from each other.. and we explored how much we can offer.. i believe we all enjoyed our solo ear.. but i think nothing can beat us as a group.. solo era was fine but working together feels like home.. I'm grateful for all the support you have shown to us.. and i believe that you will always be with us in our every decision.. the relationship between BTS and ARMY is unbreakable..
I need to be honest with you all because i love you.. i really do love you all a lot.. but.. but there's someone else whom i might love a bit more.. but it doesn't mean my love for you has become less or something " namjoon spoke..his voice is heavy with the tears as he talk about this..

The fans cried with him.. some of them screamed and asked him not to cry..

"I need your love and support" namjoon said and looked at the fans

"I love someone.. we have been together for years now.. and i want that person as my life partner.. i can't live without that person.. and i want to declare my love for that person in front of you and the whole world.." namjoon said and the fans screamed in excitement and asked who it was..

The members became nervous but also happy for what they will witness.. namjoon smiled and walked towards Jungkook and held his hand and brought him to the centre of the stage
The fans gasped loudly and screamed seeing it ..

Namjoon got on his knees.. jungkook was crying badly.. he was visibly shaking.. namjoon took out a box of ring and looked at jungkook..

"You were the second chance in my life.. you're really precious to me.. you're my everything.. no one has ever supported me like you.. you trusted me when no one else did.. you risked your career and rejected the big companies.. I'm thankful for having you in my life.. you had always love me and i want this love to lasts forever.. if forever exists then i want it with you.. only you.. i love you more than i could ever express or more than you could ever imagine.. you were with me for 15 years now.. and. I want my all 50 or 60 or 70 years with you.." namjoon said

The fans were tearing up at the sight..

"Jeon jungkook, i , kim Namjoon wants you as my life partner.. as my husband.. so will you be sweet enough to save my heart by saying yes? I want to marry you.. so will you marry me?" Namjoon asked and jungkook nodded while crying

"Yes.. yes .. i will ..." Jungkook said and namjoon put that ring on his finger and jungkook bent down on his knees and hugged namjoon tightly while crying

"I love you baby" namjoon whispered but it was audible because of his mic..

"I love you too.. no ..i love you more" jungkook said .. the fans cried.. the members shed tears of happiness and then the fans screamed

"Kiss... Kiss.. we want kiss.." namjoon broke the hug and looked at the fans and then at jungkook

"You know we should always give what the fans want" namjoon said with a cheeky smirk on his face.. and jungkook chuckled while sobbing.. namjoon then pulled the younger closer by his waist and wiped his tears away.. and lifted his chin to face him ..

"I love you" namjoon whispered before attaching their lips.. the fans screamed again excitedly and in happiness as they saw namjoon and jungkook kissing each other..

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Hii.. you know this story is about to end.. there's probably a marriage chapter and a small epilogue left.. that's it.. my first ever ff is about to end.. anyway please vote and comment on this chapter.. see you soon..

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