Chapter 1

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Ten years. It's been ten years since she dream to go in this place and the time has come. She  had her feet on this land. Her thin lips curve up and she looks around the surroundings of Isla  Verde Alegra. Since she was a high school student, she always wished to go to this island. It was a tough decision to desire this island over my hometown. It was a matter of familiarity in my  country and also heartbreak so she made her choose this path instead. It was just she  wanted to move on from heartbreak and learn how to be responsible and independent. She  just wants to unwind and be happy in life and find the right guy who can love her no matter  what she is. Then the day has come. Clutching on the handle of her luggage, she made her  final deep sigh before putting a fist up. 

"This is it, Elaine, you can do it. Fighting!"

But wait, it didn't come out as easy as she thought so. Although she was a fan of this island, she needed to use a map so that she would be familiar with the place and even ask people  around, causing them to look at her weirdly. Who wouldn't when a pale white-skinned American girl is asking where the Reignford was, right? "Ugh... I suck at this..." In the  end, she slumped down the waiting shed while looking around. The condo that her mother  picked for her was in lignesium and it was so expensive but I hope it was worth it. Maybe the  foster owner of that condo was waiting for her. "It's not that it's hard to find. I just feel shy and stupid right now." She mumbled with a big pout. The routes were fairly different back in  her home. "Miss, the bus in this area is coming in ten minutes." The girl on her left spoke  which made her jolt in shock. "Ahm. Thank you." Elaine bowed her head a little as the girl did  the same. "Oh right... Does it go to Lignesium?" She asked while rubbing the back of her  neck. "Yes, Miss. Are you living in that place?" The girl asked with her angelic smile. "Well,  I'm about to be, I guess? I just arrived here. Obviously, with my luggage..." "Ahh- well you  live in that place?" The girl asked that made Elaine snap her fingers. "Yes, wait, how did you  know? She asked and the girl giggled. "Nothing, I just guessed. You would have fun living  there. You know I'm jealous because you live in that place that's my dream place but it's too  expensive I can't afford." The girl answered with just a smile and laughed. "So it should arrive  here in a few huh?" Elaine asked and looked ahead at the streets while tapping her finger on the  luggage. "Wah, OMG.. It's really crowded this time." She muttered while chuckling. Her area back in there hometown wasn't really a city type so she isn't used to this. "Oh? Is that  it? Oh I think it is." She said with a grin and turned to the girl beside her but she wasn't there  anymore. "Oh. Really... After talking like that she leaves me.... Ah, I thought I could create a  friend already." She muttered in disbelief as she stood up while pulling her bag along. On  her right arm, she was hugging the envelope containing the different kinds of paper, she didn't want it to crumple the stuff inside the bag. "Ah this bag is heavy..." She  muttered and looked down to the bag while pulling it since its wheels were too old already  to even function right.

"I should have bought a new bag in-ack!"

She felt that sudden bump on her left body and she lost her balance. The envelope she  was holding fell as she completely collapsed down the ground. "Oh my God. I'm sorry..."  She heard a deep voice of a man and when she turned to look up, she squinted her eyes  since the sun was too bright. She was almost right at the entrance to the bus and the other  passengers who were entering just looked at her- since the man who bumped with her was  already offering a hand but she wasn't budging. "Miss?" The man completely scooted down  and grabbed all the papers that fell. "Uh... Agustin? Elaine Agustin?" The man called as he  accidentally read one paper which contained her application letter. It woke Elaine from her  trance and she fixed her hair quickly. "When are you the one who bumped me?" She asked and  pulled herself up to stand. "Yes, I'm sorry because I was looking at my phone when I got off  the bus and you weren't looking as well." The guy handed her the envelope with a smile.  "Thanks." She said and smiled a little before grabbing her luggage again. 

"Do you want me to carry it for you?"


"I mean the luggage. I'll put it in the bus trunk."

"N-no. I don't want to leave it alone there, I might forget about it.... It's okay now...  Thanks anyway, uhm... whoever you are. Bye." She said and smile before rushing to the bus

since it already honked twice. As she got in, she was about to lift the bag up when the man  still went there and lifted it up for her. "Woah, you got a heavy one there. Be careful, miss."  He said and chuckled. "Thanks... Whoever you are." Elaine smiled again and waved a hand  before pulling the bag into the bus. She picked the middle seat inside and sighed in so much  relief after feeling the cushion of the seat. "Wow, I feel safe now. This is amazing and unique. The designer and the maker must be very intelligent huh." She was so amazed inside of the bus.  She muttered with a light smile and closed her eyes for a while. She didn't even realize her  envelope that was hugged in her arm already slipped down to the small partition of the  two seats. When she felt it, she looked down and groaned. "When I wanted to protect you,  there you were falling off to place. This is your second time." She literally scolded the  envelope and started getting the papers once again. Once she got all the paper that fell  right under the bus, she flopped down to sit once again. This must be a long ride.

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