Chapter 8

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"That's impossible... Any girl would give a guy a chance if sees that kind of letter." Elaine answered and took the letter from him again. "My favorite part here is the summer and winter line. It's said... You passed by like the warmth of summer and left me nothing but the coldness of winter. I already memorized it." She said and laughed to herself. "But see, it's been a year ago. You think they're married now?" She asked and even pointed out the date to him. "You can't assume things like that, right? You don't know them yet." Zach answered and felt worried for her. "That's why I hope I can meet and know them personally. I think I would cry out of happiness if I saw them together and then I could find my own Mr. Love Letter too." She glanced at him and grinned like a kid. "Are you okay? You seem pale..." She noticed his indifference and tapped his arm. "Yes?" he blinked and cleared his throat. "Oh, right I forgot I was about to give you the sandwich. I'm sorry hihihi." She hid the letter again and took out the sandwich and drink she had inside her bag. "C'mon eat it up. Auntie said it tasted good, I don't know yet, but you should try it." She said and laughed while Zach hesitantly took it.

As he started eating, he tried opening up about the letter again. 

"You know... you can just forget about it. I mean how big the population is in this city. You won't find him."

"How much busses are here? Why do I have to ride that certain bus? How many available seats were there when I entered it's nearly empty but I picked the chair?" Elaine answered back with her hopeful eyes. "Oh, wait didn't you take the bus before me? Did you see who was sitting at the middle part left seat near the window?" She asked and snapped a finger. "Ah I don't' remember." Zach quickly shook his head and took a big bite on the sandwich since he panicked at that question. "And you know what I noticed in the letter too? The penmanship I'm not saying it's ugly but the guy wrote it around the time they just broke up. I think He said that you can even see how painful he was in penmanship. There's even stains on paper that looked like tears. I seriously cried at the thought of that I was imagining it. I kept on guessing what kind of face he has, is he tall? Or like, handsome or chubby or what?" She started fangirling again while Zach ate secretly while blinking hard feeling all flustered. Who wouldn't? Apparently, a girl is fangirling over him right now. 

Mentally, he was calling Zach for help. He didn't know what to do with a broken girl who's hoping for nothing. "And Luna? I bet she's very lovely and cute." Elaine giggled and Zach lips curved up. "You want a picture?" He suddenly asked and regretted it as soon as he said it. "Eh?" Elained asked. "Uhm ha ha ha that was a joke. Am I corny?" Zach asked and felt his

face heating up out of embarrassment "yah!" Elaine slapped him on the shoulder and he signed in relief but laughed along while nodding. "But changing the topic. Have you ever thought of why they separated? I mean uh. I kind of read it a little earlier." He said and hesitantly gazed upon her who started thinking. "He wrote there... that they parted ways in both parties' awareness and acceptance maybe they fought? Or something worse than that?" She answered. "Yeah I think worse." Zach answered while drinking on the Banana Milk she gave. "What do you think is worse? Oh my god, you think Luna got Pregnant and wanted to abort it? She suddenly had a random guess and Zach almost spit the Banana milk. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Elaine held her laugh when Zach had milk around his lips. "I was just guessing was is absurd?" She asked while biting on her lower lip. Zach gulped hard while wiping his mouth.

"They haven't done anything."

"Woah there are you shouting?" Elaine asked in shock and Zach got silent for a while. "I mean what if they haven't done anything? You shouldn't guess like that" He said and cleared his throat while looking around except for her. "Well in this generation? I don't think they haven't done anything yet. He wrote something about five years of cake and stuff. I think they're been together for a long time already. I don't think that guy didn't feel anything he would be lying he hasn't, right? Is there a guy like that?" Elaine answered and Zach had a flustered face as he took another big bite on the sandwich. "Wait, can you change the topic? It's awkward, you know." Zach requested while gazing at her. "Oh alright. You're a guy. So my other guess of why they broke up maybe they got tired and confused because they've been together for a long time? But then realize afterwards that they need each other?" She spoke and Zach slowly calmed down. "It's a good guess I wish it's like that, right?" He asked and looked at her. It got silent for a while as Elaine stared back at him, which made Zach blink.

"Nothing, just you have really beautiful eyes or is it contacts?" She asked and Zach let out a chuckle. "I don't wear fancy contacts." He answered and Elaine grinned while nodding. "So you do have beautiful eyes." She said and rubbed the back of her neck. So they ended up forgetting about the first topic and went on chatting until work time came. Her best friend smiled while looking at them. And her best friend decided to greet them, "Hi! Omg don't tell me you're a couple?" Ynna asked, "No best. We're just friends. Wait this is Ynna and Ynna this is Zach new friend hihihi." Elaine answered. " Oh sorry , I made a mistake. Okay nice meeting you Zach." Ynna said. "Ahm nice meeting you too. Okay I'm gonna go thank you for the little time. Have a nice day." Zach answered and left them. "Omg best he's so handsome. You didn't say to me that you have a handsome friend." Ynna asked "Oh god shut up okay we're just friends and yeah he's handsome. And also don't be like that okay hahaha..." Elaine answered and then they stopped talking because the work just started and they were not allowed to talk if working hours.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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