Chapter 7

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The next day, Elaine went to work early on purpose. She hates the feeling of coming late because mostly all the employees are there. They would look at her when she entered and she didn't like the feeling of being the center of attraction. You know that feeling? It's so awkward. Just as she was looking around, her eyes fell and saw Zach walking pass by the corridor. "Oh Zach yow?" She muttered and jolted up from her seat to rush the door before he could disappear. "Zach?" She called and peek her head out of the door. The figures stopped walking and quickly turned to her. "Elaine it so early, what are you doing here?" he asked with a smile and completely walked closer to her, "Nothing I just want to come early. You? Why are you here so early?" She asked. "Nothing, I just want to be early." He answered. 

"So yeah where do you plan to go now?" Elaine asked and leaned on the door frame of the classroom. "I was planning to get breakfast cause I haven't eaten, but maybe I'll just ditch it, you're alone there." He said. "What? Why would you ditch breakfast? That's like the best part of the day for me, Will, aside from snacks." She said like a dork, making Zach laugh. "Oh how about you just eat the sandwich I brought? My Auntie insisted that I should bring it so I wouldn't be hungry but I don't really eat during work time. I would rather go outside." She said Elaine paused her skirt before sitting in a comfortable way, while Zach sat beside her. "So while we're alone here. Tell me about this guy you were talking about?" He then started opening a conversation and leaned on one side of the chair to face her. "I don't know much about him but I know he loves his girlfriend so much or ex-girlfriend? I don't know" Elaine answered while pouting. "Aw, that's too bad you can't have him then?" Zach asked, making Elaine laugh. "It's not like I like him that way. I just admire him and his relationship." She explained, "Wait, so you're telling me you know his relationship, but not his name?" Zach asked and Elaine was silent for a while. Contemplating if she would tell him the whole story. 

"C-can I trust you?"

"Sure, why not? What is it about anyway?"

"Don't laugh at me okay?"

"I promise." Zach put his right hand up and answered, "I'm secretly fan girl over a love letter that I found." She muttered and started taking out something from her bag. "Love letter?" Zach asked and peeked at it. "Here." Zach held it with both hands and put it right in front of Zach face and he froze. Before he could get it, Elaine pulled it back. "I found this in the bus. I don't know if I got it in my envelope though I think I accidentally picked it up." She said while lovingly picking it up." She said while lovingly looking down at the love letter. "Can I borrow?" Zach asked, trying to sound calm as possible. "Why?" Elaine looked at him with pout and was hugging the letter. "I'm just going to look at it." Zach answered and was unconsciously trying to grab it already. "Okay fine." Elaine handed it to him and he gulped as he folded it. Indeed, just by seeing the size and texture of the letter, he knew it was his notebook, the missing page. "Elaine, this isn't just a love letter it's-"  

"When I found that letter I felt like someone gave me hope back. I'm a sensitive girl. But people hurt me more but whenever I read that letter over and over again I feel like no one can hurt me because there's still a person living on this earth who won't do the same as others." Zach grip on his paper loosened. "The girl's name is Luna. I want to meet her. She's my role model. I want to know what kind of person she is to be able to have a man who loves her dearly. I want to be like her too." Elaine started in space while having that dermally smile. Zach gulped as he grew speechless of her words. "You know what I pray every night? That I would meet her and that man together see them hold hands with my own two eyes, encounter their love even just for a day and then I will believe again." She looked at him which made him look away. "I don't think... that's possible." He mumbled. "Because I don't know him? Well if fate gave me that letter I know fate will also give me a chance to see this couple." She answered while fiddling with her fingers. "You know? If it's even possible, I want to be friends with Luna and then she gives me advice together with her boyfriend who made that letter, right? I would love that so much." She said with a giggled and Zach eyes twitched as he heard that name, being mentioned as if she was alive.

"What if... they are not together anymore?" 

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