Chapter 3

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Riding a cab on the way to the destination, Zachary Versoza had his eyes stuck on the car window. It was a solemn day for him. Today, it's been exactly a year since. His day started at the company because it's been many years since my father wished me to handle our business, and now he's going to her house. Throughout the day, he was just simply reminiscing about her. He even had the time to go back through the diary they always wrote together – when she was still alive. It consisted of them exchanging love letters in a piece of notebook, which later on contained one-sided notes on it. Last pages. His one-sided notes when she was not strong enough to even move her hand anymore. They even gave the notebook name –2V. Maria Valerie Luna Velasquez, his first love, first girlfriend. His wife. 

They once formed an admirable relationship, everyone around them always adored their love. They were inseparable. They even planned to go to college in Italy together and then get married after graduating. All of those plans were shattered into pieces when Luna had an illness. It wasn't expected at all, her body slowly weakened, and had to stay in the hospital. Luna disregarded college completely and stayed by her side throughout, even beating her parents to take care of her, he lived in her hospital room. Luna's struggles went on for almost two years, and her last times were just in her bedroom, still with Zach beside her alone until she was bonnie and bald, got blind of complications, and just nearly lifeless. On the day of her birthday on 2nd of December, Zach married her because that was their lifetime wish, the next day she passed away. Now it's been a year, but despite how much he tries, Zach always fails to hold on his tears from coming out, although he can smile while remembering her. Unconsciously, he took out his notebook 2V again and again. Started re-reading her notes on the first pages which made him smile.

The first pages were still full of hope and belief, the middle started becoming a message of goodbyes.  Loving reminders and tons of I love you and I'm sorry and the last pages. Were all his writings, how he lived without her. "W-wait..." He muttered when he noticed a page was missing. The last page. The page where he finally accepted the truth that she's gone. It was the 5th of June last year when he wrote it. "I remember reading it earlier on the bus." He muttered to himself and wiped his tears. Then he opens his back again and again to try to find it. But it was nowhere to be found, he leaned on the car seat and heaved a sigh. "God Luna did you get it?" He mumbled and chuckled to himself. "What now, are you saying that you want me to move on? I did..." He mumbled and looked at the window with a small smile on his face. "I did..." He repeated, of course he had memorized all of his notes, he knew what he wrote there and it's all about moving on and acceptance. "I'm going to handle the company now. I think it's time to be." He mumbled and chuckled to himself. "Sir, are you talking to me?" the taxi driver asked and made him look embarrassed. "No. I'm sorry, I'm being weird right now." Zach explained and smiled. Looking down the notebook again, he ran his fingers across the cover of it and sighed. "You must have a party up there... You've been living there for a party up there... You've been living there for a year now..." he chuckled while glancing at the window again. Up to the sky. 

In a few more minutes, he had already arrived at the destination and got off the cab after paying. He clutched on his shoulder bag before walking towards a house. They lived-in partners at that time and also their parents allowed them to live in one place. But yeah something happened. It was so quiet when he entered. As he entered he went in front of Luna's picture. He stayed there for a while in that position as he mentally prayed and talked to Luna. When he was all done, he went to her nanny and greeted each of them. "I'm sorry, I'm late." He smiled. "It's okay. You must be hungry now. Have a seat and eat. How your visit?" Zach bowed before drinking on it. "It's okay nanny. I'm very happy now but also a little bit sad. It's her death anniversary." "That's okay. I'm sure she is happy now Zach. And you must to be happy too and move on." Nanny spoke and patted his back, earning a little smile from the guy. "Ahm... Nanny, I will sell this house and you will move to our house. It's that okay with you?" he said and smiled. "No. problem Zach. I will clean later and you must keep all the pictures and things you will bring. You go there now." His Nanny said to make Zach stand up right away. "Yes, Nanny. Thank you." He smiled before walking to the left corner of the house. Turning the knob, he closed his eyes for a matter of seconds as he came in. the familiar scent. The scent. Even if she was gone, Nanny always still maintained this scent by spraying her favorite perfume around the room to at least feel like she was there. "Luna, I kinda miss our missy room." He chuckled to himself as he closed the door behind him. "It's still years since I have not visited this house because I looked at every corner in this house. I'm about to cry. We had a happy memory in this house. I always treasure this, but I'm sorry if I'm going to sell this. I must have to move on. I will fulfill my promise to you that I must be happy and move on. I promise I will try to." He said. He leaned there and just got silent for a while. No words to say, he was just speechless to be in this bedroom, to look at her deathbed. He let out a heavy sign before walking towards the bed. Sitting gently on the edge, he ran his fingers across the mattress. Earlier he had a lot to say like she was just beside him, but now that he was inside her room, he couldn't even open his mouth to speak. Closing his eyes, he slowly leaned down the bed and kissed it, as it was her. Then his eyes opened, and started at it for a while before gently laying down there. "I feel cold... are you beside me right now?" he was finally able to speak as he smiled while looking at the glittery stars on the ceiling. He put that in there because Luna liked the moon so much. Although she couldn't see that time anymore, he still put it in there and whenever he would put her to sleep, he would lay down beside her and describe each star that was on the ceiling. It was such a loving memory of the two of them. "The Brightest moon had your name. I wrote it in the best penmanship I have." He mumbled, same exact sentence he would always tell her before. "Now you're a real moon, Luna. I always look at you every night. Do you know that? I can't sleep if I don't look at the moon. You're my Luna." Now sitting up again, his eyes landed on her desk. That is the one thing he is looking for, that is what he's going to get. He also had copies of them in his room but Luna's copies had her own hand-written caption which makes it special. He had a loving smile as he took them all, since they were glued to the table starting down at one of these. He smiled. "You must be so proud of me right now because I'm no crying." He muttered. "You always said that I must take over my dad's company because Dad must relax with my mom. They are getting old already and you know I handle it now Luna." He talked casually as if she was there and he continued getting the photos. Then he works towards the window. "Yeah, even just once can this room be haunted and then you show up? Because I miss you." He muttered and looked around, literally waiting for a ghost to come out but nothing came. 

"Looks like. I'll need to make the photos work then. You're so unfair Luna."

So after he got the photos, he kept it in his pocket and looked around one last time. "I'm sure I'll be busy because I handle the company now. So I won't be able to visit your tomb everyday like usual. But I'll find time on the weekends. We'll have a date every weekend because you're my only girlfriend." He mumbled a chuckle and suddenly, wind came and then the glass window created a rustling sound. "What the." He said while looking at the window around, mentally hoping that she would appear. "Aish... what am I doing." He muttered and shook his head, amused at himself. "Fine. You're not my girlfriend. I forgot. You said we're gonna be just best friends once you leave. How good you are. You're such an angel." He muttered with a smile before completely leaving the room.

"Zach, are you done? Did you get any?"

"Yes, Nanny. I just took a few photos."

"Oh, okay, come on and continue eating."


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