Chapter 4

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Finally, one of the most important parts of her life starts today – her first interview in the  company and I hope I will be hired. It was always the nerve-wracking feeling you get like you  might throw up anytime or better be fired. That is the sacred part of my life, I hope not.  Stepping into the entrance door, she looked around and saw employment everywhere.  "How the hell do I start..." she muttered to herself as she glanced down to her schedule.  There were different departments in these buildings and paths in front of her right now and  she didn't know which the hire for new employees was, she wanted to be an accountant, and she likes math or computing money. She likes to work in a company. She was just totally confused about how to start her day. In no time the employees were slowly disappearing probably to their respective departments. "Oh my god. I'm already late." She muttered and still looked  around. She was just overwhelmed right now. Just then, she heard a voice behind her.  "Miss, do you know where the accountant department is?"

Mentally, she cursed. Did she just get asked a question that has been her question too for the past few minutes? She slowly turned around with a dumbfounded face and saw a girl. A little bit taller than her, and was panting. "Oh, sorry I don't know. I'm just looking for it also." She  replied. "Ahh, that's okay let's go, we ask where it is. I'm Ynna. You're?" she said and took the hand shake with a smile and asked. "I'm Elaine. Nice to meet you" she replied" nice to meet  you too. Where friends now let's go." She was about to speak but the girl dragged her. "So  you're also new here? Right." Elaine started a conversation as they entered the department.  "Yes, but I'm pretty sure I'm much older than you." Ynna said. "I just turned twenty-three.  You? The girl asked back while hugging her beloved envelope to her chest. "Twenty-four,  turning twenty-five this year." Ynna answered. "Oh you just transferred here? Why? "Elaine  asked since it was the usual reason. "Yes. But it's kind of personal." "Oh, okay. I won't ask.  "Anyway, we can be friends." Ynna offered with a big smile. "Are you sure?" "Yes, why not." We  are here you go first good luck.

After hours, they are hired with ynna. It was so nice and they also belong to the same  department. She has a friend now. "Where did you actually come from?" Ynna asked. "I'm  from the state. Is it obvious?" She asked and Ynna responded with a chuckle. It was obvious  at all, she looked really simple, only with white tees and pants, and not even makeup was on  her right now. "What's with that smile?" Elaine raised an eyebrow making Ynna chuckled more before shaking his head. "It's good that you're not those people who change  because they grew up in a foreign place?" "Oh, really?" "Yeah!" "Is this really your usual  course?" She muttered with a chuckle and started walking. "Then why did you pick it?"  Elaine asked curiously. "Well, maybe just influence and slowly, I got interested." Ynna  explained briefly. "Me too." Elaine answered directly. "So you came here alone?" He asked  "Yup. Isn't it scary? I haven't ridden a plane alone and it's scary." Aren't there any good  universities back there?" There is good company back there. Right?" "There are. A lot of  them but I want to work here. I feel more comfortable." "Really? I initially planned to go  to the states for work." Ynna spoke with a smile. "Ohh... I think we must go home. See you  tomorrow Laine." Ynna said. "Okay, see you tomorrow" they both said goodbye and left.

Elaine rushed to her work because she was already late and it was her first day as an employee.  While she was running she bumped into a man. So the coffee was flashed into  the guy shirt. "Sorry. I'm sorry." She said and bowed her head. "It's okay I know you are into  rush." The guy said and smiled at me a little. When she heads up and says thank you but the guy says  "wait. What. I know you? You are the girl on the bus last week. Am I right? The guy spoke with  a smile. "Oh you mean the one who bumped into me last week? She asked and the guy  nodded with a smile. "So you're an employee here huh? Wait... I know your name but I can't  remember." The guy spoke while furrowing his eyebrows. "Elaine, Elaine Agustin." She  answered and offered a handshake. "Oh right. I remember now. Nice to meet you, Elaine. I'm  Zachary Versosa." He said and took the hand shake with a smile. "Wait. O my god I'm  already late. I'm going now. I'm sorry again and nice to meet you." She said while smiling.  "Wait where are you going." Zach asked." At the accountancy department." "I'm going with  you. I will accompany you there. Let's go" Zach said and smiled at her a little. When they arrive the  manager was about to shout her but when she see Mr Zach she smile and said'' why are you

late" she about to answer but Zach and her first. "I'm sorry I missed it because of me." Zach  answered with a smile. "Oh that's okay." "I'm going now Elaine, see you around." He said with  a big smile. "Okay thank you so much." She replied with a smile.

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