Chapter 2

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"I'm so sorry you had to wait. I just rode the bus and didn't know where it should stop and I  came back to where I came from and I had to wait for it again after thirty minutes. I'm so  sorry. Mrs. Bautista." She continued saying sorry to the foster owner. Mrs. Bautista sat there  with the cold food and supposedly she prepared for the girl. "It's Alright, come have a seat.  I'm sure you're hungry now." The old lady spoke and signaled Elaine to sit down and she did. "Wow... These look delicious." She muttered while linking her lips. "Anyway, what made  you not notice the sign boards? It's very big my dear." Mrs. Bautista said while chuckling. "I  just got... a little distracted, Mrs. Bautista." She answered with a hesitant smile. "You just call me ate Annie. Alright?" Mrs. Bautista minded and Elaine responded with a light nod. "Yes.  Ate Annie." She answered and kept her head hung low. "Okay, eat up a lot and since it's just 2pm, Maybe I can still accompany you every Sunday because your mother asked me a favor  to look at you but because I'm busy I must look at you every Sunday. Is that okay with you?  My new house is not so far from here." "Yes, ate Annie. Thank you so much...

She is about to sleep but she remembers the envelope. "Oh my god, did that man even get everything... What if I lost something? Oh my god. This can't be."

She quickly opened the envelope and started to check every file and important stuff in  there. "Okay, the paper was a little dirty but I think it's-wait..." She started at one particular  paper inside. The paper looked pretty old because it was dirty white already. She took it out  right away and saw long hand-written words in there. "What the heck is this...?" She  muttered and within seconds, reality snapped at her. It was a love letter. "ooopppsss,  privacy..." she quickly put it down, even before her eyes could land on any word that was  written there. "Ohm... who is the owner of this? did I pick it up from the bus?..." she  muttered and looked down to the floor. Elaine looked at the window and doubted if she could  ever chase whoever the owner was or she hoped that the letter had a number so that she can  give this back to the right owner. . "Ugh... I feel sorry for that person then... He or she has  to rewrite it." She muttered and made a blowfish. But with her human nature of being curious, she hesitantly unfolded it again. "Oh... wait, is this really a letter... it seems like it  came off a notebook though..." she muttered and finally landed her eyes down the words,  and read.


Dear my Luna, 

It's been six months since we grew apart. In eight years, this would be my last Christmas  without receiving you an odd looking cake. It was always odd but I like eating it, because you  said you made it for me and also with love. I used to think girls who bake cakes are the  cutest. And Guess what? I'm craving for it right now... not just the cake, but your love. I  know we parted in agreement, with acceptance but even just once, through this letter, I  want you to know that I was lying, I was lying when I said I would be fine. Luna, six months  and I feel like dying already. Do you know that I still call you on your phone? I feel stupid  hoping that you will answer me. I still go to your house in the middle of the night to throw  rocks on your window, but your Mom is the only one to come out and talk to me now.  Everything's changed in just a snap. You pass by like the warmth of summer and leave me  nothing but the coldness of winter. I never talked about this dramatically when you're still around,  fearing that you would tease me but right now I just wish that you would be here by my side  and never leave me again. We could be together again. You're the one who can make my  world happy, you make me smile when I'm sad. You do everything to make me happy.  You're the best of all. You cheer me up on my hardest day, you make me feel important  and special all the time, you never get tired having a conversation with me, you give me  love, true and pure, you give me everything that I didn't expect. You're my treasure forever. My true love. We could have done many things and be happy but it could never be  done now you're gone. But to prove that I really love you, I won't break my promise that I  will be a happy man and move on, because you will be happy too. I know you're happy now.

I love you, Luna.

"Wow..." Elaine was left in awe as she finished the whole letter. It was a hand written already  years ago, and she automatically thought whoever the owner of this letter. She didn't even  notice that her tears were crawling in her cheeks. Love letters --- it's not a thing nowadays.  Even though she never appreciates the art of love letters, this one made her think twice. She  wiped her tears as her eyes were still glued down the letter, re—reading some of the words  that were stuck in her head. Memories from her Ex-boyfriends started engulfing her mind  right now and felt that big gap between them and the owner of this letter. "Is this really a  man..." She mumbled and let out a bitter chuckle as she cried. "There's still a man like t—his? H—how's that even possible...." She can't still believe.

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