Chapter 6

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"Ahm, I'm so lonely right now and I have no one to talk to, But you have work so yeah you  need to finish that first." Elaine changed the topic as she stood up from the chair and  flopped down her bed. "No, it's okay, almost done anyway. Are you lonely? Do you want  me to just talk, or you talk?" Zach asked Elaine unconsciously, smiling at how he could be.  "Same, Same." She answered with a grin. "Oh, okay you go first I don't know what to  say," Zach answered with a chuckle and Elaine rolled her eyes with a smile as she heard  that laugh again. 

"May I ask a question?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" 

"Are girls who bake cute?"

"Huh?" Zach let out a small chuckle and Elaine bit her lower up out of embarrassment. "Ugh.  Never mind. I sounded stupid anyway." She Muffled. "No, of course not. I was just flustered  by a random question. About girls who bake. I don't think they are cute but it also depends, I think?" Zach answered. "Depends on what? Elaine asked. "If these girls smile while they're  baking, right? Which girl is cute when frowning whatever she does?" He explained and Elaine  slapped her own forehead at such a common sense answer. She shouldn't have asked that in  the first place. "Why? Did just. I'm just wondering." She answered while nibbling on her lower lip.

"Oh Okay." He answered and chuckled again. Alright, we should call him the chuckled boy.

"I  have another question." She started speaking with a hesitant voice. 

"Alright, just ask anything. Don't be shy."

"I'm a girl but I don't know how to answer so let me ask you instead. If you are in a  relationship and then you break up and then your ex gives you a love letter would you give  her a chance?"

"Even without a love letter, I would give her tons of chances."

"Eh?" Elaine jaw dropped at how Zach answered right away. "The word chance isn't created  for no reason, right?" He added with a grinning sound. "But also. It still depends." He then  continued with a sigh. "Again? Depend on what?" Elaine asked while biting on her fingertip.  "First. It depends on the situation and second if that someone you want to give a chance to  is still there. What if not? Maybe I'll just want to give that chance to myself." Zach answered  and laughed a little. "Wait, are you in love right now? Do you want to share it? I will keep my  mouth shut." He spoke and Elaine shivered at how sweet his voice can be like totally brother  material. "Not really." She answered and made a blowfish. "Heartbroken." He asked and  Elaine pounded even more. 

"Well I'm always heartbroken. I've had a few men in my life and no one healed me. L-O-L at  me."

"It's not true."

"How can you say that? You don't even know me yet?" 

"Heart can be broken, but once you try it out again. It means it healed. If you say 'few men'  it means you've healed a few times already, you just get broken over and over again."

"Whatever. You read it somewhere again, don't you?" Elaine responded with a nod. She  didn't want to believe Zach was even sincere in those words, he doesn't even have a  girlfriend, that's what she thought. "And you're really broken, because you won't even  believe." Zach retorted back with a chuckle. "You don't even have a girlfriend to start with  and you only have one. What do you know about healing and taking care of a girl?" She asked  with a laugh "I think I do know how to take care of a girl though?" The guy didn't seem  affected and responded, still with his calm aura. "Too bad I can't heal one." He added.  "That's why you need to learn a lot before having your second girlfriend okay?" Elaine said  with a giggle. "For me. I only have one guy I am hoping to meet even just for a day and  tell him how I admire him so much." Her voice turned solemn as she started at the ceiling.  "Hmm. Who's that guy huh? Is he in Manila?" Zach asked with a laugh.

"No He's here."

"Oh really? You fell in love at first sight? Which one is our office mate? Do you want me to  ask his name for you tomorrow?" Zach spoke back with his cute chuckle. "Not at first sight."  She answered with her soft tone. "Not at first sight? Wait, how many days have you been here  in Isla Verde anyway?" Zach asked. "No I mean. I haven't met him yet." Elaine answered and  she was slowly finding herself opening up to her new friends of hers. "Really? But do you  admire him? Is he an idol? I know how to go to an entertainment company, do you want to  stalk him?" Zach asked and laughed. "No Aish. It's hard to explain." Elaine gave up while  rolling her eyes. It's a really embarrassing thing to say you are keeping someone else's  property. "Actually I don't like to love him or stuff. I admire him and his girlfriend, or I don't  know if they're together now." Elaine explained.

"What do you mean? I don't get it." 

"I don't even know his name yet, but I know his girl's name." 

"Wait, where did you even know this guy?"

"Through his letter."

"Huh? He gave you a letter but you haven't met?" Zach asked in confusion since Elaine  wasn't explaining in detail. "Aish. Whatever. Let's cut this call off now, I am really bothering  you already. See you tomorrow at work bye bye." She cut the phone call right away and  kicked in the air. "Did I just say I admire the letter owner?" she exclaimed to herself and felt  so stupid. She was madly blushing. "Oh my goodness. My face is heating up at the thought  of Mr Love letter." She muttered while slapping her face. Just then, she heard her Auntie  Isabel voice that he was already knocking and calling her for dinner. "Wait Auntie, I'm  changing." She lied and messed up hair. Sitting up, she again reached for the letter from the  drawer. "You passed by like the warmth of summer and left me nothing but the coldness of  winter." She read it out loud and felt her heartbeat rising. "Mr Love Letter. I hope your Luna  gave you this to her, right?" She asked as if Mr Love letter was there with her. "Because if I  was her. I would give all the warmth I could give you." She mumbled and tears escaped from  her eyes. "Oh my god." She wiped it with her hand and stared at it in disbelief.

"I'm getting nuts."

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