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𝘠𝘌𝘈𝘙: 10191
𝘈𝘙𝘙𝘈𝘒𝘐𝘚: 𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘯

Aliyah and Paul had a long conversation about his vision, Paul left some parts out that he believed she didn't have to know yet. They agreed to do it without the Fremen knowing, as they'd feel different about the situation.

Aliyah sat beside Gurney, under a large covering. They we're currently on one of the Shai-Hulud, on their way to the south. Chani steered the worm, along with Paul and other Fremen on other worms.

When they had arrived, Paul whisked Aliyah away with him, telling her it was time, it was time to drink the water of life.

Aliyah now walked into the ancient temple, with Paul by her side who held onto her hand tightly. They walked around ten sand pool where a small work was, and watched it carefully.

They looked up when the maker keeper began to mutter something in Chakobsa, Paul pushing Aliyah behind him slightly. They both stared at the hooded figure who sat in the distance of the room. He looked closer at the quiet stranger and realised it was Jessica.

"You're not allowed in here stranger, leave or die" The maker keeper said to the two, standing in front of them.

"I should be welcomed, we should be welcomed" Paul spoke in Chakobsa.

"If you two drink, you shall die" The maker keeper said, holding the blue liquid in front of the two, bowing slightly.

"If you drink, you will see" She added.

Paul took the liquid from the woman, staring down at it and then her "leave us" he demanded her.

She nodded scurrying away as Aliyah walked up behind Paul "are you sure about this?" She asked nervously.

"I know your scared, but trust me please" He whispered turning around to face her, as she looked at the liquid, then back at him and she nodded.

Paul gulped some of the blue liquid, grimacing slightly, before handing it to his girlfriend, who exhaled before drinking some lt too.

At first she felt ok, she thought maybe it won't be so bad. She was wrong, unfortunately. Seconds later she felt faint, the glass dripping out of her hands, onto the floor, and smashing.

When she looked back up she saw Paul staring at her, she swallowed, bracing herself for the horrible experience. The last thing she remembered was Paul placing his hand on the side of her head, and kissing her lustfully, to which she returned, until it all went black.


"Now that you can see our last, you can see your future"

"Paul, Paul I'm here. You will see our future, you can see it. You know what must be done. You will see the truth of your family. Don't worry, I'm with you, I love you, we love you" Aliyah voice whispered to Paul.

Paul saw her standing on a dune, but it was beside a beach, her gown blew in the wind, and only at the end, did it blow at the angle where he could see her stomach, more specifically, her pregnant stomach.

Aliyah was pregnant



I know some of y'all are gonna hate me for this and some of y'all are gonna love me for this so that's why I left it till near the end so if you hate this kinda thing it wasn't in the entire thing if that makes sense.


Also excuse how longs it been since I updated, and honestly, I have no excuse..

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