Chapter 5 - I'm a Titan

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Adamas Pov.

"From the scale of 1 to 10 how long has it been since I dissappear in the faces through out the 9 realms...." Adamas said making everyone shaking in a surprise.

"Now shall we continue in a simple greetings... It is I the one and only Adamas... It's nicetosee you all once again... Have you all miss me... As I was gone in many... many... many eons of centuries..." Adamas said in sinister to with a psychotic smile written on his face 


As Adamas appears in the council they were shocked see him even the aura he emit heck even the sudden change of his appearance, standing at the center on the council facing at his youngest brother Zeus in calm in a calm expression.

"Hmmmmm... what's with the faces aren't you all suppose to be happy that I am alive and breathing, oh wait I guess you all already knew why about my disappearance." Adamas said making everyone shivers. 

"So may I ask why are you all are interested in my realm that I'm ruling with?" Adamas ask in a calm tone with a simple sinister smile.

"You... you made feel so shameful after everything you have done yet you have a guts to show your self." Zeus said

"Oh.... what this little baby Zeus is now throwing a tantrum... jeez... you still the same." Adamas said in a sinister tone.

"You... but anyway why are you here for?" Zeus ask

"Like I just said why are you all are interested in my realm that I'm ruling with... Are planning something... crazy..." Adamas said making Zeus shiver. "I knew it as always you're too predictable... and plan to cause a war isn't that right..." Adamas continues making everyone shivers.

"Adamas that's enough now brother...!" Hades yell

"Excuse you... who are you calling a brother...?" Adamas said as he looks at on Hades with a sinister grin and emits a strong bloodlust that made everyone can't move.

"Now... now..." Adamas said as he stops emitting the bloodlust

"I didn't come here for a reunion... I only came out in my realm for some special occasions well then it's time for me to get out of here..." Adamas said and walks all the way to the exit.

As he says those words they were flabbergasts and totally speechless to think that he only came here to make an entrance.

"Excuse me did you just came here just to make an entrance...!" Zeus yells at him

"Why yes got a problem with that...?" Adamas said in an annoyance-monotone expression and this made everyone even surprised.

"What... Did you expect that I came to make me some kind your entertainment for your wants I don't think so." Adamas said

"Oh and honestly I'm also here to make the fool came out you and planned it successfully which is why mission complete..." Adamas said and this made Zeus go red in embarrassment making most of the beings laugh as Adamas continues walking and stops for a bit.

"You... Anyway since you are already her were just hoping for you to come back and joined us here in the council." Zeus ask

"Ohhh... why do you all want me back?" Adamas response as he never faced him.

"Well you know already we could use a bit of help since you're also a god just like us..." Zeus response.

"Is that so... Mhhhhhmmmm... Let me think... Oh yeah... my answer... is no..." Adamas said as he turns his head and smiles at Zeus jokingly.

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