Logan Headcannons

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second day in a row posting but I'm going on vacay and I'll be back like Fri or sat 

All his gifts are bird related bc he loves birds since his grand 🤗 (gifts like bird houses, bird books, bird puzzles, etc

finger nail biter + chews the skin around his nails

(Connected to last chap) Has a big dino plushie Ty got him

gets little forehead/cheek smooches from the other people in the group, not in a romantic way just in a Logan way bc he's a cutie patootie

^ Also uses physical touch with them in a Logan way, like cuddles, holding hands, leaning on shoulder

He likes Laufey (him and Ty bond over it), Carrie Underwood, Chapell and Cavetown

He can make food for meals but he's best at making desserts

When he isn't at a sleepover or sum with the others/ before the phantom Realm he always sleeps/slept early like at 7-8

Breakfast skipper mostly but when he doesn't its like avacado toast or a smoothie

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