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          IT'S BEEN WEEKS ━━━ since Ultraman went missing, and frankly, I've never felt so much more danger from kaiju attacks as I have been before. Each day seems to bring a new threat, and the city is constantly on edge. The KDA has been working tirelessly, but without Ultraman, their efforts often feel like a stopgap rather than a solution.

But no matter, the kaiju attacks were the least of my worries.

The transfer process of Ken Sato was complete, and the news of it spread like wildfire. Throughout this week, his arrival had been highly anticipated, and now that he was officially part of the team, the pressure to perform had intensified. The media was abuzz with speculation about his impact, and fans eagerly awaited his debut on the field.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for being here today. As you all know, we are thrilled to announce the official transfer of Ken Sato to the Yomiuri Giants."

As part of the integration process, a press conference had been scheduled to address the questions and excitement surrounding Ken's transfer. I found myself standing behind a podium, facing a sea of reporters and flashing cameras. The room was packed, and the air was thick with anticipation.

A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd, and I took a moment to let it settle before continuing. "Ken is an exceptional player with a proven track record in the United States, and we believe he will bring a new level of talent and energy to our team. His skills, dedication, and passion for the game are exactly what we need to elevate our performance and strive for greatness."

A reporter raised their hand, and I nodded to them, "How do you think Ken Sato's addition will affect the team's performance this season?"

I smiled confidently. "Ken's addition is a game-changer for us. His expertise and experience will not only enhance our offensive capabilities but also inspire and motivate the entire team. We're confident that his presence will elevate our performance, and we expect to see a significant positive impact on our overall gameplay especially for this season."

Another reporter quickly followed up, "Ken's transfer has generated a lot of buzz. How is he handling the pressure?"

"He is handling it exceptionally well," I replied. "He understands the expectations and is fully committed to giving his best. His professionalism and work ethic are commendable, and he's already building strong connections with his teammates. We're all excited to see how his skills will translate on the field."

'I'm such a great liar,'

Another reporter raised their hand eagerly. "What adjustments is the team making to accommodate Ken's playing style?"

I nodded thoughtfully. "We're working closely with Ken to integrate his strengths into our game plan. Our coaching staff is focusing on blending his skills with our current strategies to maximize our overall performance. It's a collaborative effort, and so far, it's been going smoothly."

A different reporter chimed in, "How do you think Ken's arrival will impact team dynamics, especially with established players?"

"Ken's arrival brings a fresh perspective and new energy, which can be incredibly beneficial," I replied. "We've been emphasizing teamwork and communication to ensure a seamless integration. Our established players are excited to learn from Ken and share their own insights. It's fostering a positive, competitive environment."

A seasoned sports journalist asked, "What are the immediate goals for the team with Ken now onboard?"

"Our immediate goal is to solidify our teamwork and enhance our performance on the field," I answered, refraining myself from yawning, "With his addition, we aim to improve our standings and make a strong push towards the championship. It's about setting a new standard of excellence for the Yomiuri Giants."

I glanced down at my watch, "Thank you all for your insightful questions. We're looking forward to an exciting season with Ken Sato and are committed to making our fans proud." I side stepped and bowed towards the audience, smiling confidently at them before walking off the podium.

As soon as I disappeared behind the curtains, I let out a deep sigh and sagged my shoulders, my back hunching as I put my hands in my hips. "Geez," I grumbled, wiping away the sweat that was forming on my nose.

Coach Shimura trudged towards me with a rare smile, "You did great out there for your first press conference, kiddo, "he said, clapping me on the shoulder. "Handled the questions like a pro."

I smiled sheepishly, "Thanks, Coach. But I was nervous as hell. Felt like I was under a microscope."

Shimura chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that seemed to ease the tension in my shoulders. "That's because you were. But you held your ground. That's what counts."

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I just hope I can keep it together once the season starts. There's a lot riding on this."

"We'll take it one step at a time," Shimura said, his voice steady and reassuring. "But not today. Actually, I may have forgotten to tell you something,"

"What did you do."

"Ken Sato is arriving tomorrow, and his press conference with reporters is this Friday. Think you can make it? We need to make sure everything is handled smoothly. You'll be there to support him and handle any media queries. It's important for us to present a unified front and make a strong impression."

I sighed deeply, grabbing my bag from a table, "Alright, fine, whatever," I huffed as I started to walk away.

"Great! I'll send you the details later!"

I waved my hand at him, not sending him another glance. Leaving the office building, I yawned, ignoring the mass of reporters that were waiting outside.

"Please, miss, what can you say about Ken Sato's impact on the team?" one reporter called out as I passed by.

I kept my head down and quickened my pace. "I have no comment at this time," I muttered, trying to avoid further attention.

Another reporter shouted, "How do you plan to address the concerns about integrating Sato into the team?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "I really can't discuss that right now. I'm heading home to prepare for tomorrow," I replied, pushing through the crowd as they continued to call after me.

Finally, I reached my car, opening the door with a sigh of relief. I got inside and started the engine, the roar of the vehicle providing a temporary shield against the persistent questions from the reporters. As I drove away, I glanced in the rearview mirror, catching a final glimpse of the throng of journalists still hoping for a statement.

I refocused my eyes back onto the road, forcing myself to pay attention to the drive. But it was nearly impossible when everywhere I looked, Ken Sato's face seemed to be plastered on billboards, posters, and even digital ads. His image was omnipresent, a constant reminder of the immense spotlight now shining on our team.

Every intersection I passed had another promotional display featuring Ken Sato, his confident smile and athletic stance captivating the attention of passersby. The media buzz and public excitement about his arrival were palpable, and it felt like I was surrounded by a relentless tide of scrutiny.

Why is my life suddenly revolved around a man like him?

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