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          MY MOM SQUEALED ——— with her friends, as they snapped pictures of me standing awkwardly with my purse in hand, their camera flashes turning me blind. The relentless clicking of cameras and the high-pitched giggles of my mom's friends created a racket that made me wish I could sink into the ground.

I was dressed in a black long-sleeved dress that featured a charming sweetheart neckline, with delicate frills at the end of the skirt that stopped right above my knees. I paired it with black pointed stilettos that clicked uncomfortably on the pavement. My hair was styled half up, with one side of my fringe pinned back with silver clips that gleamed in the sunlight.

"Smile, dear! Just one more!" my mom called out, her voice bright and full of excitement.

I groaned, "Mom..." My cheeks were heated up from embarrassment, "Stop..."

Today was the dinner date that Sato had invited me to. And to be honest, I had been looking forward to it, but now the constant flash of cameras and my mom's relentless enthusiasm were starting to make me wish for a quiet evening.

Out of all days, my mom had to choose a movie night with her friends, she just had to pick today.

"I can't believe [name] is finally going on a date after three years!" Yae exclaimed, jumping on her toes with a wide smile on her face.

"It's not a date..." I grumbled, "We're just doing business,"

Another one of my mom's friends, Miya, nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement, ignoring what I said, "And with Ken Sato, no less! He's such a catch. You must be thrilled!"

I managed a weak smile and gave a small wave, trying to ignore the heat rising in my cheeks. "Yeah, it's... really exciting," I said, forcing enthusiasm into my voice.

My mom's friend Naomi chimed in, "Oh, you're going to have such a wonderful time. I just know it!"

Yae snorts, "She's gonna have more of a wonderful time when they—"

I turned away from them, "Guys... please,"

"You look absolutely perfect, sweetheart," My mom said, "He's going to drop dead when he sees you!"

I shook my head and waved my hands, about to respond when there was a ring at the doorbell.

The four of them looked at each other before screaming and shaking each other like high school girls.

I shook my head at their remarks, making sure to convey my disapproval. After one last glance in the mirror to ensure I looked presentable, I strode toward the front door.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as I reached for the door handle. The excited chatter of my mom and her friends faded into the background, replaced by the sound of my heartbeat in my ears.

Why am I so nervous?

Opening the door, I was greeted by the sight of Sato standing there, looking effortlessly handsome in a crisp button-down shirt with two buttons undone, showing off his broad shoulders and defined collarbones, as well as his silver dog tag, and tailored black pants that fit his slim legs. His hair was left as it—maybe a little bit messy but it didn't make it any worse—and had sunglasses perched on the top of his head.

His dark purple eyes widened at me. I couldn't help but notice the defined eyebags on his face. Despite the fatigue evident in his eyes, Sato's face lit up with a genuine smile as he took in my appearance, eyeing me up and down.

"Woah..." he softly said, at a loss for words, "Wow, you look... incredible,"

The four women behind me squealed, with one of them saying, "I told you so!"

"Quick! Let's get a picture of them together!"

My eyes widened as I swiftly pressed my fingers against his chest and pushed him back, far enough that I could close the door behind me before any of those crazy ladies could take pictures of us together.

"Thank you," I muttered to the amused man, trying to conceal my embarrassment, "You don't look bad yourself,"

Sato slyly smiled down at me before offering out his arm, "Shall we go?"

I glanced down at it before looking up and brushing past him, "Yeah, where are you taking me?"

He sighed before following after me, "It's a surprise,"

I shook my head as we walked down to the road, my heels clicking against the pavement, where I then halted, looking at the vehicle in front of me which I knew belonged to him.

"Don't... Don't tell me... you're going to take me on that..."

There was a look of dread on my face as I pointed my finger towards his motorcycle.

Sato only chuckled, "Oh, come on. It's not that bad," he said, patting the seat of his sleek black motorcycle.

"I'm in a dress and heels, Sato," I pointed out, referring to the articles, "I'm not gonna get on that,"

Sato smirked, clearly enjoying my discomfort. "I promise I'll go slow and be careful," he assured, patting the seat again.

I crossed my arms, determined not to give in easily. "And what if my dress gets ruined? Or if I fall off?"

He took a step closer, his expression softening. "Trust me, you'll be safe. Plus, it'll be fun. And I have a helmet just for you."

I hesitated, glancing at the motorcycle and then back at Sato. His confidence was almost infectious, and a small part of me was curious about the experience.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "If anything happens, it's your fault."

He grinned, handing me the helmet. "Whatever you say, manager,"

I slipped on the helmet, making sure that it didn't mess up my hair that much. My cheeks were squished and my head felt like it was being compressed.

With no more complaints, and after some effort and careful balancing, I successfully got onto the bike. Sato ensured that I was securely seated and properly covered by placing his leather jacket over my legs before he got on in front of me with the helmet secured on his head.

"Hold on tight," he said over his shoulder.

I hesitatingly wrapped my arms around his waist loosely. Even if my grip around him wasn't tight, feeling the firmness of his muscles under his shirt made me shift in my seat. He turned on the engine and the motorcycle roared to life. Sato revved it a few times, I guess trying to show off or warn me, before speeding off.

A yelp left my lips as we took off, the sudden acceleration catching me off guard. The wind whipped past us, and I tightened my grip around Sato's waist, pressing closer to him for stability.

The city lights blurred into streaks as we zipped through the streets. Despite my initial fear, a thrill started to build within me. The cool evening air felt refreshing against my face, and the rhythmic hum of the motorcycle beneath us was oddly soothing.

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