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          HIS LEG SHOOK ——— anxiously as he kept his gaze towards the baby Kaiju who was resting inside of her containment unit, the strain of the ordeal still weighed heavily on him. Ken sat alone on the couch, his mind racing with what-ifs and regrets, replaying the events over and over. If he had gone home the first time his watch lit up, would they have avoided the mess?

"Bad habit," Professor Sato appeared in his field of view with a mug filled with herbal tea, placing it on the table in front of the couch and then sitting at a distance from him.

Ken avoided looking at him. Now that the immediate crisis was over, he was unsure how to navigate the tension that often colored their relationship.

"I'd say we did pretty well considering the circumstances," the man continued.

"Dad, I..." Ken started, "I really appreciate you showing up, I do. But this doesn't make you Ultradad," he pinched his nose bridge with his fingers, his eyes closing and his brows bunching up, "You know, we're not suddenly gonna be best pals," he finally glanced his father for a brief second before leaning back into the couch.

The older man sighed, "Kenji, I need to show you something," he stood up with the help of his cane, "Mina, news, please,"

A hologram flickered to life in the center of the room, displaying a news broadcast coming from the Chief Officer of the KDF, Dr. Onda.

As he spoke, clips were playing, "Fortunately, the KDF was able to contain the damage, and no one was harmed. But the kaiju escaped and it would appear that Ultraman is actually defending the beast. The KDF are conducting a massive search for both the creature and Ultraman. We will protect the families of this city. We will get to the bottom of this and we will eliminate the threat."

Ken pressed his hands together and placed them under his nose in thought. The reality of the situation was sinking into him.

"Kenji, I've been tracking Onda," Professor Sato mentioned, "And until now he's been content on just killing whatever kaiju attack the city. But something's changed. He wasn't trying to kill the baby. He wanted her alive," he sighed, "I've known Onda for a long time. He is brilliant. He is cunning. And he will never stop, not until she's captured and you're dead."

Ken's eyes widened in alarm and he glanced towards the containment unit. [name] was sitting down on the steps, facing the curled-up baby as she sang along with Mina to Bingo, her head swaying side to side slowly with his old plush in her hands. He felt his face soften, heart melting at the sight.

"She's really attached to her," Ken murmured, more to himself than anyone else.

"She has a kind heart," Professor Sato observed, following his son's gaze. He sighed, "Look, Kenji, you and I don't have to be best pals. But can we at least agree that she is the priority?"

Ken glanced back at his father, "Yes. She is."

He nodded, "Okay, good. Do you have a plan?"

Mina approached the two men from behind, "We thought returning the baby to her natural habitat would be best, Professor Sato. But the location of Kaiju Island remains elusive."

The older man started to pace, "Even if we could find it, without a mother to defend her, the baby might starve, drown, die of hypothermia. Another kaiju could eat her as a snack--"

Ken quickly interrupted him, putting his hands up, "I got it. I got it." Those scenarios were adding to his fear.

"We have to raise her the way her mother would have,"

He stood up to join his dad and Mina, "So you're suggesting that you and I, Ultraman..." he quickly corrected, walking up to the glass screening that temporarily separated them from the Kaiju, "Ultramen, guys who are supposed to fight these things, should train this baby to essentially kick our butts?"

"Kenji, she needs us."

He furrowed his eyebrows together in thought, glimpsing back at the Kaiju. But his lips curved into a slight smile as he noticed [name]'s body leaning against the glass of the container. Her chest rose and fell slowly with each breath, her hair partially obscuring her face. The plush was held loosely in her grasp, almost falling but at the same time secure. The baby had shifted during her rest, and her head was now lying in the direction of the woman's back.

He had failed to notice the look that Mina and Professor Sato shared.


         KEN CARRIED [NAME] ——— bridal style up to the temporary room that, at this point, belonged to her. He moved with gentle precision, carefully navigating the hallways to avoid any disturbances that would wake up her peaceful form.

As he reached the room, he eased the door open with his foot, mindful not to make any noise. The room was softly lit, with a simple but cozy bed that had been set up for her. Ken approached the bed and gently laid her down.

He loosened up her shoelaces and slipped her sneakers off her feet, placing them neatly beside the bed. He would've changed her into more comfortable clothes, but he didn't want to seem weird or overstep any boundaries, so he let her be (even if he did imagine ripping the blouse off her body earlier today.) Then he carefully adjusted the blanket, tucking it around her to make sure she was warm and secure.

The black-haired man took a step back to admire his handiwork, a soft smile on his face. Just as he was about to leave, he heard a soft, murmured sound. [name] stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering open as she looked up at him with a drowsy [eye color] eyed gaze.

"Ken?" she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep, "What's going on? What time is it?"

Ken leaned closer, trying to keep his voice gentle, "It's late, go back to sleep,"

She blinked, her eyes struggling to stay open. "I didn't mean to fall asleep. I was just..." she murmured, her words trailing off as her eyelids drooped again.

Ken smiled softly, brushing a few strands of hair from her face, "It's alright, sweetheart, just get some rest,"

[name]'s eyes fluttered open again, concern evident in her drowsy gaze. "What about Baby? Is she okay?"

Ken nodded reassuringly. "Yes, she's okay. She's resting comfortably right now,"

She sighed with relief, her body relaxing into the bed. "Good, that's good to hear."

Ken stayed by the bed for a moment, "Sleep now, sweetheart, we got a game tomorrow,"

"Dammit, I forgot about that," she grumbled before sighing, "Okay, thank you for reminding me,"

He chuckled at her response, "Good night, [name],"

"Night Kenji,"

He lightly ruffled her hair before quietly stepping out of the room, closing the door gently behind him, missing the way that she called out to him again.

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