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KEN TWISTED THROUGH ——— the streets, his mind racing as he pushed his bike to its limits. The thought of her wandering around in the city made him nervous, she was out in a space where the KDF could easily locate her. If they found her before he did, then she's easily falling into their hands.

"Ken, a disturbance has been reported in Daikanyama," Mina reported through his helmet, "There seems to be a large, pink creature terrorizing the locals."

"No, God, no."

"I am sorry. I'm a terrible babysitter," Mina's tone carried a hint of regret.

"Yes. Yes, you are!" Ken snapped back, frustration edging his voice.

"Ken, I've located her. She's not far from you."

"Maybe I can get to her before--" The sound of drones flying above him made him widen his eyes, "Oh, no, no!"

He revved his motorcycle and pressed on the accelerator, sharply turning the corner to go to where she was last seen,  weaving through traffic and bypassing red lights with reckless urgency.

As he approached the area, he slammed on the brakes, his eyes darting around until they landed on a large, pink creature causing chaos on the other side of the block. It was a disturbing sight—people scattered in panic, cars abandoned, and the creature's rampage leaving destruction in its wake.

"Mina, tell [name] to go to the base," He directed as his gaze quickly shifted to a yellow ramp on a nearby construction site. An idea sparked in his mind.

"Contacting now,"

He bit down on his lip, determination set on his face. Revving the bike's engine, he accelerated toward the ramp, aiming to use it as a launch pad.

With a burst of speed, Ken hit the ramp, launching the bike into the air with precision. While in midair, he transformed.

He landed on his feet and hands in the form of Ultraman, quickly looking around in the air for his bike before it dropped. He saw it and caught it, carefully placing it down on the ground.

Ken caught the sight of the baby Kaiju.

"Hey, come on, come on," he beckoned out to her with his hands, leaning forward with one of his legs kneeling. The pink Kaiju turned around and smiled, jumping on her feet while holding her arms out to Ultraman, "Come to, uh... Daddy,"

"Oh!" The people below gasped from shock.

Ken cursed under his breath, "I mean..." he quickly corrected, "Stop there, beast!"

The baby only looked at him weirdly and then laughed out. But her cheeks abruptly puffed up, and her face turned concerned.

"Uh, oh,"

Ken braced himself as the baby Kaiju's cheeks inflated, knowing exactly what was about to happen. He put his shield up to protect himself from a neon pink beam streaming out of her mouth and spraying all over.

"Uh, Mina." He called out to the supercomputer, "We've got a situation. Baby just melted Pac-Man," he mentioned as he picked up the giant model figure. But as he was looking at the Pac-Man, the baby had slipped away, her attention grabbed by a couple of go-karters who had a pink trail behind them.

"She has acid reflux," Mina informed him.

"Babies get acid reflux?" Ken asked incredulously before noticing that she was gone, "Where's baby?" He called, rattling the Pac-Man out like it was a toy. When she didn't appear, he panicked and got onto his feet to start searching for her.

He cautiously stepped over a few citizens, carefully lifting his feet and looking hard before placing it down. With his massive Ultraman form, he didn't want to accidentally step on someone to add to the chaos that was already happening.

"Hey, watch out!" A man angrily exclaimed from below.

"Sorry," Ken apologized, looking down at the man. When he glanced back up, he saw the baby Kaiju climbing up Tokyo Tower, "Not good,"

Swiftly, he made it down the street and approached the base of Tokyo Tower. The baby Kaiju was already halfway up, her pink form contrasting starkly against the steel structure.

"Where's baby?" Ken asked out loud, gaining her attention to make her briefly stop climbing, "There she is! Come down, right now. Be careful!"

"I don't think she's listening," Mina pointed out.

"Thanks for the observation," Ken replied sarcastically as the baby hung onto the ledge before continuing her climb. "No, no. This is not playtime!" He scolded shaking his head while finally deciding to climb up the tower, "You get down from there right now, young lady,"

Ken continued his ascent, but as he neared her position, he spotted numerous drones circling the creature, their red lights blinking ominously. Then they morphed, spreading out their body to reveal slots of tranquilizers.

Without wasting a second, they shot the darts into her back. The baby screeched out in pain, using one of her hands to try and swing at the drones.

"No. No!" Ken yelled as the drones continued to shoot the tranquilizers. In a fury of rage, he pulled his arm back, a ring of light forming around his wrist, and launched it forward, the ring streaking through the air, striking several drones and causing them to explode in bursts of light and metal.

The kaiju hung off a beam of the tower with one hand, slowly losing her grip as she reached out to her father below.

"Hang on! I'm coming!" Ken called out to her, climbing up the building. His eyes widened in fear as she lost her grip and started to fall with a terrified cry, "No! BABY!"

He reached his long arm out to her, adjusting himself on the tower so that he could be able to reach her. Just as she was about to pass, he caught her by the arm.

Ken's heart nearly stopped when he heard the sickening crack of bones as he caught the baby Kaiju by the arm. Her terrified cry turned into a pained whimper, and her small body trembled in his grasp.

"No, no, no," Ken murmured, panic setting in as he carefully adjusted his grip, cradling her close to his chest to avoid any further injury. The pain in her eyes was almost too much to bear, "Shh... It's okay. You're gonna be okay. Daddy's here,"

"Ultraman, turn the infant over to the KDF," a broadcasted voice said behind him. He turned his head to the side to see several helicopters and drones surrounding him and the baby, "And we will take no action against you,"

Ken growled at the broadcasted demand, narrowing his eyes in defiance. He refused to even consider handing the baby Kaiju over to the KDF.

Without hesitation, he released his grip on the tower and fell towards the ground, his body twisting to shield the Kaiju from any impact. Just before they hit the ground, Ken summoned a powerful burst of air, propelling them back up into the air.

With the helicopters staggering from the sudden burst, he soared above the surrounding buildings

"Mina! She's hurt!" He exclaimed, one hand around the baby Kaiju clinging tightly to his chest and the other reaching out in front of him, "Uh, prep the base. We have to call him,"

He let out a heavy breath, "Call my dad,"

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