Why we failed pt. 17 The Assassin

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Authors note: This chapter is a bit grim and dark at times with some mature themes, but it isn't any more than what you would expect.


Why We Failed pt. 17

The Assassin

In the depths of a restless slumber, Jun, Link's young squire, found himself ensnared in a nightmarish memory from his early childhood. Normally, days from his younger years were recollected foggy at best, like from another lifetime, but this one evening was a clear as the nose on his face. He can still feel the heat of the flames pressing on his skin.

The scene unfolded in a village nestled at the foothills of the Dying Mountain Range in the northeastern territory of Hyrule. It was a cold morning, the air heavy with dew brought from an evening mist that weaved through the pines casting a lingering chill that lasted past dawn. Clouds hung low, casting a somber pall over the quaint farms and the meandering stream that had once been a source of life and joy for the villagers.

The village, home to former Yiga members and their families, was a refuge for those seeking a peaceful way of life, away from the strife of war; but was now turned into a place of turmoil and fear. The Draene soldiers of the Hylian army, notorious for their ruthless nature, had descended upon the town with orders to enact the king's justice. Clad in black armor emblazoned with a serpent sigil wreathed in flame, they embodied the intimidating decree they were there to enforce.

A mid-ranking knight, mounted on his imposing steed, addressed the gathered villagers in the square. His voice was harsh, carrying the weight of a grim edict. "Alright, now gather round and listen up you Yiga. My name is Sir Dunk Warrel of Quarry Fort, and I have been sent to parlay and offer you a chance to leave this place un-accosted so long as you cooperate with the orders of the liege lord of the Stonelands and his Majesty, the King. As you may know, the Queen is dead. The king suspects that your kind may be responsible and with that his justice will be poured out upon you. Now Listen up, the commands of my Liege and his Royal Highness are as follows—"

The knightly man stretched out his arm for a subordinate to hand him a long scroll of parchment from out of a cylindrical container bearing the Royal Crest. Clearing his throat, he read the declaration while the people listened to their fate with bated breath.

"—By order of the king and to be enacted by his loyal marshal and servant, Commander of the northern hosts and Lord Paramount of the Stonelands, Danarus of the house Draene, it is hereby decreed that all Yiga and Yiga sympathizers must be treated as enemies of Hyrule and must be exterminated or driven from the Kingdom, if necessary, for the public good," he proclaimed.

The crowd began to murmur in disbelief amongst themselves, unsure if what they were hearing was true, but quickly silenced by one of the standing soldiers who unsheathed his sword to instill fear.

The commander of the Hylian Dragoons continued. "Be it known that anyone caught dwelling within village limits come dawn shall live to regret it. You are hereby ordered to disarm, disband and leave these lands or face the consequences by penalty of death."

The villagers huddled together, their faces etched with fear and desperation, voiced their pleas. "We're not Yiga, we swear!" one begged. "We abandoned those ways long ago!"

Another also pleaded. "We told you everything we know! We're farmers, and decent folks. We've done no harm to any of you."

"Can't you see we're just people trying to start our lives over!" cried an older man, his voice cracking under the strain of injustice. He fell to his knees and bowed his head for sympathy.

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