Chapter -8

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It was eight in the morning. Nick, Helios and Mark were ready to attend the meeting and were now on the way to the company. Petra and Travis, as decided stayed home. They had informed Jake about the whereabouts of the others when he asked but didn't mention the actual reason why Samuel, Selina and Jane went to meet their uncle.
At the moment the trio were now standing in front of the headquarters their uncle had mentioned. They were about to head inside when Jane's phone rang.
“Are you here?” spoke a male voice the moment she answered the call.
“Yes, uncle. We'll be inside within a few minutes”
“We? Who's with you? You hadn't informed me that you'd be accompanied yesterday.”
“Uh, My apologies, I forgot to mention. And about that, you'll know it within a few minutes anyway. Bye,” She cut the call, making Samuel snicker at her. The trio then entered the building and proceeded to go in after a security check.

At The Main Hall  -

The trio entered the main hall and were greeted by familiar faces. They greeted them with a small smile and moved forward to find their uncle who was surrounded by a few others. They were gathered near the window, circling their uncle. They were discussing a case.
“Greetings Mr. Weston” They turned their heads towards the voice which belonged to Selina.
“Morning Child” their uncle spoke, surprised. 
“It's good to see you and Sam after such a long time,” he spoke in a cheerful tone and hugged them both. He also hugged Jane and patted her head. 
“When was the last time we met?” he wondered 
“Maybe 4 or 5 months?”
“Only good to see them? Not me? 
Both Jane and Samuel spoke at once which made the others laugh, more specifically towards what she said.
“No. Because I've seen you like last month and you got a hug though” he spoke in a teasing tone making her put on a small sad smile, as if conveying that she's got accustomed to it. This made them laugh again. They started speaking about casual things like how things were going or how they were coping with their respective jobs, mostly the conversation being the elders asking the questions and the trio answering them.
“Uncle, why are we here again?” Selina interrupted.
They all stopped as Richard spoke
“Oh my! Where's my mind at? I called you here to show you something. I found a note this morning in my cabin, it was pinned on the information board” he said while handing over a piece of paper to Jane. He explained that he had arrived early in the morning as he had some work. He saw it when he went towards the board to take a look at the picture of a crime scene.

The Note Read -

The last time I beheld my lord,
He stood by a maiden fair,
Before the Royal Gallery grand,
Hand in hand they wandered there,
Whispering sweet love in the air.

But now he's gone, and she's alone,
The Lord has left his duty calls,
While the maiden waits
in the palace stone,
Longing for him within its walls.

The Lord was gone as if
called away by duty's noble hand,
Leaving her with hopeful
thoughts that he'd return soon.
But as the minutes
stretched into weary hours,
And the hours slipped
quietly into mid- week's embrace,
She couldn't help but ponder
if he'd ever return.

As the note was in Jane's hand, Samuel and Selina moved close towards her to read the note. The three of them were left confused by the words. They wondered what the writer of the note intended, what the poem meant and why he left this pinned on the board.
Richard sensed the confusion by looking at their faces. He understood that even they couldn't get what this meant. The three were as confused as the other officers surrounding them.
“Uh uncle, Is there no name of the writer or at least the sender?” asked Jane.
“There is. But they didn't reveal their name” spoke Richard, gesturing her to turn the paper over so that the name of the sender would be visible.
It was written -


Selina snorted looking at the signature. This made others look at her weirdly. 
“This sender is either stupid or dumb. Like who writes it as Anonymous and signs a nickname?” she spoke looking at the paper. A few officers snickered looking at her face, agreeing with what she said.
“Anyway, this is suspicious. I mean not exactly but it sure is weird” she spoke.
“I agree upon it being weird but suspicious? What makes you say that?” questioned Detective Williams.
“I can't exactly put it in words but the signature is the one that's raising the feeling of suspicion and also the fact that this note suddenly appeared here. Have you seen anyone coming into your office or anything suspicious uncle?” she said.
“I have enquired with others but they say they haven't seen anyone going into the office. I have even checked the cameras. And the thing is there is one footage that's deleted” - Richard.
“Deleted? Around what time?” questioned Jane.
“It's around 5:30-5:45. Twenty minutes of the footage is missing”
“Now that's something to be suspicious of!” exclaimed Officer Douglas.
“You're right, officer. Uncle put me an email containing a file of the footage from 5-6” Jane said to her uncle, to which he nodded his head. He then took his laptop, created a file and sent it to Jane. He informed her that the file has been sent to her email.
Everyone went silent for a few minutes. They were trying to get some sort of clue from the note but failed to do so. But Jane was still staring at the note. She read it again and again. After 5 minutes of staring at the note a thought struck across her mind. She got a feeling of where this is going to lead but stayed quiet as she wasn't sure of it.
“I don't understand a thing.” exclaimed Officer Douglas in a frustrated tone, making Jane snap out of her thoughts. She then sighed softly.
“It's fine officer. I'll be taking this note with me. I think Nick will be a great help in this.” she spoke with a small smile. Samuel, Selina and Richard smiled hearing that.
They (especially Richard) felt a bit relieved knowing that they'd definitely get some sort of clue.
“Alright then. We'll take our leave now. If there's anything we'll inform you as soon as possible uncle. Bye” spoke Samuel. Richard insisted them to have lunch and go but they refused stating the reason that they have some work.
They bid their bye to everyone and went back home.
It was 2 in the afternoon. The moment they reached home they saw the other three sitting on the sofa along with Petra and Travis. The trio greeted them and went to their respective room and got freshened up. They joined the others in the conversation and had lunch. After having lunch Jane asked Nick about the meeting.

I'm back after hibernating! 😂
How are y'all?
Did anyone miss me though? 😆

I hope you like this chapter.
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~ Mira.H

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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