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                         THE CHASE

                         THE CHASE

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                 ...The Year 2025...
10 Jan 2025
St. Bernard Street

The night sky was filled with dark clouds. Moon was half hidden behind those dark clouds. The shining bright stars filled the entire sky. The streets were lonely. The cool breeze blowing out just sends shivers down one's spine if they stand there even for a few minutes. The rustling of trees and the howling and growling of animals were all anyone could hear. Improper working of a few lamps on these empty streets, as an addition, were giving out the horror movie vibes.
There in those most dangerous alleys was a figure walking through. One could describe the figure as a young-looking boy, almost in his teens, with a strong body, dark brown eyes and black hair. He was out on a search for a convenience store, when a few people, covered in black from head to toe stopped him asking for his money. When he strongly refused, they started chasing him.
The paths and the streets he was passing by were empty and cold. A little glimpse of fear could be seen in his eyes. He didn't stop nor looked back, instead, he just ran for his life. The chase was still on, even though some of those bad men were getting exhausted. Soon, the boy found himself at a distance far from them, where no one was visible. Slowing down his pace, he found a garden nearby and started walking towards it. It was a beautiful place. It was wide and green. He was mesmerized by its beauty and thought those people wouldn't come now but
Oh boy! How wrong was he? They were still on for him. It was like a hungry animal chasing out for his prey. He stopped in his tracks when he heard the sound of footsteps. He was fidgeting with his fingers, arguing in his mind about what or what not to do.
"Hey, kid! What are you doing here?" asked a voice behind him. He got startled and looked at the way where the voice came from. He was again met by a hooded figure, with just a mask on, almost having girl-like features. Before he could answer the chatters of those men, who were chasing him down, were heard.
"Why don't you do this? Do you see a little wall over there? Go and hide behind it." spoke up the mysterious person, without asking him many questions. Without a second thought, he did what the person had asked him to do. He could now see those bad men surrounding the hooded person. They started interrogating the person but they didn't budge.
Disappointed and irked, one of them went forward and forcefully removed the person's hood and mask. They all including the boy gasped when they saw the figure as a girl. Leaving the boy, they all shared a good fit of laughter.
Calming down, they tried to sound as nice as they can and asked her about the boys' hiding spot. They threatened her too but seeing not giving any kind of reaction they became more vexed and one by one started attacking her. But to anyone's surprise, those who tried attacking her failed their every attempt. (Key word - 'tried ' ).
The boy was surely surprised at this and thought that she was cool at first but soon started having second thoughts. He thought about who could she be and whether she could be trusted or not. But came out of his trance when he heard her voice.
"You can come out. Don't be afraid you're safe now," she spoke softly trying her best to not scare the poor boy. Her warm words made him relax and felt comfortable.

(Disclaimer - The street, city or town names used in the story are imaginary and fictional.)
Hope is you guys like the chapter.
~ Mira.H

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