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In this world of reality, we once or often commit sins which may be as small as a mistake or as big as a crime. The falseness and anger make us do things one could not dream of, which makes us feel guilt and regret all our lives. Many of us are afraid of the dark and to speak of the reasons might be uncountable. Some might fear it due to the belief in spirits, some of getting hurt and some of being left alone.
The happening of a crime is a mighty fear. The most believable and specific reason to say that the dark holds terror is the committing of a crime. You don't know what you do, you don't stay within your limits and this is what raises the level of fear inside a person.  The nights are of course, cold and dark but it doesn't mean it's dreadful. The nights are as nice as the day and as cool as the breeze. It does have its limits like everything does and once we cross it, it consumes us...

 It does have its limits like everything does and once we cross it, it consumes us

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His breathing was unstable. He was tired from running. Terror was written all over his face. His mind was full of unwanted thoughts which he couldn't get off. He ran. He ran for his life in the dark. They were chasing him. They were going to kill him.

Stop’, a voice echoed in the dark streets. Fear and thoughts were constantly drowning him.
‘Catch him. Don't let him go’, one of those people who were after him spoke making him choke. He didn't care and kept running. It was a marathon, a difficult one. Where no one knows who is going to stop. Because if any one of them stops they would be either losing their prey or the loser would be losing his life.
After a long run, they finally caught him. They made him kneel on the ground and put a gun on his forehead.
“P-pl-please leave me. Let me go.”, the man stuttered, begging them to let him go.
“Why would we? You're gonna die and even if we let you go you'll be dying anyways” spoke a tall person making him shiver more.
“No, please. What have I done? Why do you want to kill me?”
“You ask what you did? After killing all those innocent people, abusing them, doing both human and drug trafficking, and making them suffer you ask what you did? You dare to question after knowing what sins you've committed?” the other spoke raging with anger.
“Oh, that's nothing tho. It was fun actually” the man spoke, a sickly sweet smile planted on his face which made the others look at him in disgust.
“You-” the one who was about to speak got cut off.
“Don't waste your time speaking to this monster. Just empty that damn bullet into his head”, said the other.
“No wai-”
‘BANG’. Without letting him complete his sentence they killed him.
“Let's go now boss must be waiting for us”
Saying that they left the place, not forgetting to leave a plastic flower beside his body.
In the morning the sirens of police cars were heard. People came out of their houses to look at the commotion but were shocked to see the horrifying scene. Their faces turned pale knowing who did it. They were scared. They thought they were in danger. But how wrong of them to think that. They were being protected but brutally and terrifically.

~ Mira.H

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