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Previously, Jane had informed Jake that she would take him out but didn't mention where.
Now both of them were on the way to the mysterious place. The distance was two hours long. An hour passed and Jake suddenly started feeling anxious. He got a bad feeling of this place where she was taking him but he shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing. Soft tunes were playing on the radio and he was looking outside admiring the scenery, trying to feel better.
Soon the car stopped and she asked him to get down. He hadn't seen the place as she had parked the car a few meters away from the place. They both walked for 3 minutes and finally reached their destination. He stood frozen in his tracks when he saw the building. It is the place where his sufferings began, where nightmares became his daily guest, where things started to go wrong, a place where he spent most of his childhood. It was the oh-so-famous ‘Rainbow Orphanage ’.
Jane called him a bit loudly when she saw he wasn't coming with her. His behavior made her think that something was wrong, she wanted to ask but stopped herself. He heaved a shaky breath and took small steps with her. Poor guy was shivering. Jane noticed it and held his hand to comfort him.
When they entered the receptionist at the entrance looked up from her seat to greet them but was shocked when she saw the guy. She still managed to greet them. Jane noticed the way her expression changed.
“Jake where have you been till now? How dare you sneak out without permission you brat?”, the first thing the receptionist did was lash out at him.
“Did you cause any trouble to this lady?” she said and looked at Jane. The way Jake started shivering again after hearing those words irked her.
“First things first, I would like you to mind your language and tone. He didn't cause any sort of trouble and I'm here to adopt someone”, spoke Jane after calming down. The receptionist gulped hearing her sharp tone.
“Whom do you want to adopt mam?”
“This guy who is standing beside me”, she looked at Jake trying to let him know that she was beside him.
“Are you sure mam? No one has ever taken an interest in this kid due to which the owner of the orphanage decided to let him stay here, forever. I have to say that you should change your decision ” spoke the receptionist arrogantly.
“Did I ask you for your opinion?” Jane snapped at her, having enough of her talks.
“I don't care what the owner says or what you say. Bring me the papers now!” she demanded.
“Y-yes mam” the woman stuttered and went inside to get the required paper and files. The boy was surprised, he just silently watched whatever was going on. A minute later the woman came out and handed over the things to Jane. She read carefully whatever was written and signed the papers, meaning she has now officially become the guardian of Jake. She was reading his file where she found some of the information a bit weird. She decided to ask him later and handed out the papers to the receptionist. She then turned towards Jake and asked him to go and wait for her near the car. The boy nodded his head and went out.
Jane glared at the woman standing in front of her and spoke
“By my name, you might've got to know who I am. So, Ms. Vallerie Crawford, I suggest you be discreet about this. Wait, I know you'll be” she spoke with a blank face.
“How do you know my name?” she spoke.
“That's for me to know. Not only your name, I know your entire history”.
Vallerie was too stunned to speak anything, so she just nodded her head. Satisfied by the answer, she headed out towards the car and saw Jake speaking with someone. When she approached him, the guy who was speaking rushed away hurriedly.
“Who was that Jake?”
“Someone from the orphanage. He's a good friend”.
“I see. Well, it's time to go home. Get in” she said and got inside the car and he did the same.
“Are you my guardian now?” he asked looking at her.
“Yes, I am. And now you're going home”
She smiled at him. She saw his eyes shine at the words home.
They reached home and saw everyone gathered in the living room watching TV.
“Guys, I've got something to tell you. Jake is now officially family” exclaimed Jane as soon as she entered the room.

~ Mira.H

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