Chapter - 7

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                         DUTY CALLS

Jane went to check on Jake. She went to his room and saw that he was sound asleep. Not wanting to disturb his peaceful sleep she slowly closed the door of his room and moved towards her room. She went inside and stood near her window; it was raining.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a sound. She moved towards the bookshelf and opened a locker which was situated at the corner, perfectly blended into the background. She grabbed her phone which she uses only for work and saw a message from her uncle. It stated -

‘Nyx, I need you at the headquarters at 8 in the morning. Be there on time.
- R.’

She understood that it is something urgent. She gave a short reply to the text and headed straight to the meeting room.

At The Meeting Room -

All the members were now gathered around and seated comfortably. They were waiting for Jane in silence.
“Where is she Nick?“ a sleepy voice interrupted the silence.
Everyone turned towards the voice to see Travis half asleep, his head resting on the table. He looked quite tired.
“She'll be here within a few minutes. She's gone to check on Jake”
“Why is it taking her this much time? I'm very sleepy right now. Can't I just skip? Y'all can fill in on me tomorrow morning anyways” spoke Travis with his voice becoming soft and almost inaudible.
“Have some patience young man. Did you not hear what Nick said? She asked us to gather here because she needs to talk about something important.”Sam spoke to which he just nodded his head.
“Nick, didn't you say that you wanted to share something?” asked Selina.
“Oh yes. About that, Jane ran a background search on Jake and found out a few things. The worst part is Jake has been abused in the orphanage” they were stunned by hearing this.
The boy with an adorable smile held so much pain, it was out of imagination, they felt sad for him. 
“Is it true?” Petra asked in a small voice. Nick nodded as if saying it's true. He understood how she felt because even though she acts tough like Jane, both have a soft and sensitive spot, more specifically towards kids. She was about to speak when the door creaked open. They saw Jane entering the room.

Looking at their gloomy faces she understood that Nick had spoken to them about what she had asked for. She saw Petra and patted her back to calm her down knowing her soft spot for kids, as she looked even more down than others. She nodded in her direction as if to assure her that everything was fine at the moment.
“I even found some weird information while reading Jake's file at the orphanage. I bought it with me and it needs to be checked thoroughly. But this can't be done right now as there's something else we need to do” said Jane.
“What might that be?” queried Helios.
“Uncle sent a message. He wants to meet at the headquarters. I don't know what happened but I need two of you to come with me tomorrow” 
“Why only two?” questioned Travis.
“Because of Jake. Three of you will be staying here. And the rest of you go to my company located at South Oakshire Road as there's a meeting with the board of directors tomorrow.” said Jane.
“Who will be where then? I mean who's gonna come with you and who's going to then company?“ asked Mark.
“Selina and Samuel are with me; Nick, Helios and Mark you three go to the company. Petra and Travis stay home. I hope I'm clear” she spoke looking at them.They nodded in sync assuring that they're fine with it. 
“Can I go to sleep now” asked a tiny voice which belonged to Travis.
Jane snickered as he looked like someone who'd been forcefully woken up. He ran towards his room the moment she nodded at him. This made them laugh.
“Okay folks see you all tomorrow morning. Adios” Selina spoke and left the room while yawning. The eldest and the twins shook their heads in amusement even though they were habituated to her behaviour. 
“Alright you kids better be off to bed now” Sam scolded them in a playful tone. 
“Yes mom” Mark said in a teasing tone and ran away from there knowing if he stayed he would be hearing his monologue. Jane, Petra and the twins laughed silently at him when they saw him looking dumbfounded. 
Them laughing in silence was of no use as Sam had already heard. Before he could say anything, they escaped the room.
Sam looked at the direction of his siblings and shook his head again in amusement. A small smile adorned his face seeing them being childish even after knowing that they still haven't let go of their past. He then sighed and left the room.

A Small Note -
(Constructive criticism is allowed, I hope you guys will share your thoughts down in the comment section.)
(Hope you all like the chapter.)
~ Your not so funny friend,
    Mira.H : )

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