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They all looked at Jane with a questioning gaze. Everyone was confused with whatever was going on.
‘What I mean to say is I am Jake's guardian now and he will be staying with us from now on’, spoke Jane sensing their confusion.
‘Seriously, what's happening here? First, you bring this unknown guy then you suddenly declare he's family now?’ said Nick not understanding the situation she has created.
‘Calm down. I guess it's time for an explanation huh? Jake come sit beside me’, she spoke with a sigh.
‘As you know I went to take a walk at night the day before yesterday, I saw this guy trying to hide. A few people were chasing him and they were sent by him. Of course, I handed them over to Uncle Richard and then took him here. And as of today we both visited his orphanage and I signed the adoption papers taking him under my guidance’, she gave them a brief explanation.
‘You said he was being chased by those people sent by him, right? Why were they behind you Jake?’, enquired Selina.
‘I was out at 10'o clock to buy something. While on my way I saw something I shouldn't have–’
‘And what would that be?’, Nick spoke cutting off Jake.
‘At the Grandoise Street, I saw them murdering someone. It was dark so couldn't see who that person was. They started chasing me as soon as one of them pointed out me’, he heaved a shaky breath remembering the events of that day. Seeing this Petra patted his back, trying to comfort him.
‘This seems bad. Well Jake go to your room and rest for now’, said Samuel. Jake nodded his head and went to his provided room.
‘After laying low for more than two years the first thing he decides to do is murder someone? What is he even trying to do?’, spoke Mark, a hint of annoyance could be heard in his tone.
‘I sense trouble. What's next Jane?’, asked Selina.
‘About that, we'll discuss it soon. And as of now, there's something that needs to be resolved’. They looked at her in confusion.
‘The present situation I mean. We need more information’.
‘Well, you're right. But I suggest you all be discreet in whatever you speak and try not to get caught by Jake ’, said Samuel to which everyone nodded their heads.
Nick was still uncertain about what was happening. He has second thoughts about Jane's decision. His blank face and the way he zoned out for a moment when Jake was present were noticed by Jane, Samuel, and Selina. Both of them signed to her that she should speak to Nick so that he would have no doubts. Jane understood what they both were trying to say and said
‘Nick, I want to speak to you. Alone’
‘Okay?’, he spoke, confused.
Sensing the atmosphere all of them dispersed the place to do their respective works. Whereas Jane asked him to come with her to the back garden.

I hope the chapters are to your liking.
Like and comment down your thoughts.
~ Mira.H


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