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The same day,
Midnight 12 A.M.
St. Bernard Street

Siren sounds of the police cars were now heard. Those men got handcuffed and were dragged towards the cars.
“Thank you, Miss Jane. You did us a great help. We have been searching for them for a long time.” spoke the officer named Richard Weston.
“Drop the formalities, Mr Weston. And it's no problem. I'm glad that I could be of help to you.” J replied.
Giving out a small smile to her answer, his gaze landed on the boy who was standing beside her and started interrogating him.
“What’s your name kid? Why are you here alone at this deadly hour? Where are your parents? Where were you going? What did they-” The man was stopped by Jane who spoke in a firm voice.
“Stop scaring the kid officer. Due to the sudden experience, he is terrified. And he's with me for now.” said Jane.
“Alright if you say so" spoke the officer.
“I have something to discuss with you officer. I'll be visiting the H.O. soon” spoke Jane.
“Oh. Of course, you can visit anytime.” Mr Weston spoke a bit lowly, while taking a small glance at the guy.
“See you later, Mr Weston.”  Exchanging a goodbye they both part ways to their respective places. Unwilling to leave the boy alone, Jane took him with her. While walking towards her home she gave a small introduction of herself.
“Hello, kid. I'm Jane. Tell me about yourself?” asked Jane.
“Hello. I'm Jake, 17 years old ma'am” said the boy whom she saved hours ago.
“Call me Jane that's enough. And why were they chasing you?” asked Jane but was greeted by silence.
Not hearing a reply she asked him to speak about it whenever he wished to.
Jane assured him about his safety and asked him not to be afraid or nervous.
They both reached her house after walking for a while. It was 2 A.M. Jane then saw some of her best friends sprawled over the sofa watching TV.
“Why are you all still up?” Jane asked looking at them.
“We were waiting for you. Where were you and who's that beside you?” asked Samuel
“Well, I was out for a stroll and happened to run into this guy. Let him use the guest room for now. I'll explain everything later”
“If that's what you say. Now everyone, off to your rooms” spoke Samuel, making everyone move to their respective rooms.

~ Mira.H

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