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── 🦋 ──

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── 🦋 ──

Jisung sighed as his day finally ended. He pulled of his coat and pushed it into his stuffy old locker before grabbing his bag from it. He grabbed his jacket from the coat hanger and left the changing room.

He put on his jacket and made his way through the eerie grey looking walls. This place was really the worst and looked like it was about to collapse.

Jisung rolled his shoulders as he walked, poor boy's body was just stuck and very, very tense. He really needed to get that checked out, when he felt like it.

It didn't take him long to reach the door and walk out after scanning his badge so he's clocked out. The chilly night breeze hit his face and he shivered. He didn't like the cold.

He pulled his warm coat/jacket closer to him and snuggled into it as he made his way towards the gate. It looked like Gary the night guard was on duty already. But then again Dave had mentioned he was clocking out early today.

Jisung walked up to the gate and Gary saw him and nodded before pressing a button to open it. Gary wasn't much of a talker, he was like a Viking stoic. Mainly nodded to people as greetings and answers. You need to be careful of his eyes, they always know the truth and stare right into your soul.

They are his weapon and Jisung hates it just as much as he hates eye contact lasting over 3 seconds with someone.

Just as he walked out of the gate and prison, armoured truck rushed towards the gate before stopping at it. Jisung slightly stepped to the side barely avoiding being hit.

He rolled his eyes. "Here's the papers, we're carrying the new prisoner. He's a crazy one!" The driver snickered and Jisung couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Literally almost everyone they send here, is mentally unstable. Classified as crazy, insane or straight up lunatic or deranged psycho. People are cruel to things they don't understand or doesn't make sense.

Then again they are dangerous criminals because of it. Jisung just shrugged at his own thoughts before walking towards the station so he could get back home.

He almost fell asleep on the train just like every other night he does this. His work really does just take a lot out of him, both mentally and physically. He dreaded the walk home too. Maybe he should get a car, would be faster and then his licence wouldn't be having to catch dust.

Once he managed to get home, he took of his shoes and coat and went straight to the bathroom. There he pulled off his sweater after placing his bag down on the lavatory.

There around his arm bandages were wrapped, he pried them lose before sighing. A patient had gotten lose of his restraints and lunged at him, scratching him in the process. It's almost like a wild animal attacked him with these marks.

He added some salve before redressing it and washing his face. He took off the rest of his clothes and went straight to bed with no dinner because he was simply too tired for it.

Next day he had the same boring routine. He dreaded the long day and he dreaded the commute there. He regretted everything at this point. His mind is in shambles and just not with him.

He greeted Dave and clocked in with his badge. He slouched his way to the changing room and pulled his locker open to get his coat. He put it on and walked out after dumping all his stuff in the right place.

He went to the desk looking for the files for his new client he had today but of course. They weren't there, they never are.

So Jisung decided to just get a standard plan ready for his diagnosis and to get his personality. Before he knew it, it was time and he made his way there. He was busy going over his notepad and just walked into the room.

He sat down and scribbled some things down before finally looking up and being met with the absolute most gorgeous person he's ever seen. "Holy shit you're hot." He accidentally said out loud and the other male just smirked at that.

"Well thank you doll, I do take myself for quite the handsome man and the funniest." He laughed and Jisung blinked. His laugh sounded heavily.

"Shit I said that out loud -" he cleared his throat. "Let's just get this started. I didn't get your file with any information regarding you, so please work with me and bare with these simple questions I'm about to ask you."

The male looked at him. "Sounds like a shit boss to me. You should kill him."

Jisung blinked a couple of times before the one before him bursts out in laughter. "I'm kidding or maybe I'm not?"

"Killing is wrong."

"And who decides that? It just want something to make me laugh."

Jisung jotted something down before clearing his throat. "Let's just start, full name?"

"Lee Minho." Even his name was pretty just like him.

"Okay Minho, why are you here?"

"Cuz I'm the joker and that stupid bat caught me and ruined my fun!" He pouted looking all cute. Jisung almost choked on his own saliva. This guy is the joker? The most insane villain to walk around in Seoul?

Minho chuckled. "That's the face, oh I just love that face!" He cooed. "The face of absolute fear~" he giggled almost like a child.

Jisung couldn't help but feel something at his laughter. Jisung has always been numb to things trying to keep his own thoughts at bay. But Minho made him feel something, fear, awkwardness and the sense of wanting to know more about the male.

"Right um Minho, is it okay for me to call you this?"

"Sure doll, will you tell me your name?"

"It's Han, doctor Han is what you can call me."

"Hmm I prefer doll! Cuz you're pretty like one, now all you need to do is smile and the fun can begin!"


So keep in mind I'm not going for the typically known joker. Minho can be normal but he has his sick moments where you can tell he's definitely crazy and mentally unstable!! Anyways hope you enjoyed!

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